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Boeing Secures '797' Trademark

Boeing has quietly registered the name ‘797’ as a trademark, European intellectual property documents show. The US airframer’s application, from its Seal Beach facility, gives little context for the registration beyond identifying that it would cover a range of items including aircraft and aeronautical equipment. ( Más...

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The bigger question is: What are they going to use it for?

they have the NMA that they are supposed to be working on.. It could be for that...

.. or it could be for eating up the EJets that they just got from the 80/20 stake they just took in Embraer. They could do the Airbus renaming thing and rename the entire E170/E190 series jets.

Either way, one project is left without a name in the 700 series.
Jamar Jackson 3
Now they are out of 7s what will they name planes now
MultiComm 1
Boeing won’t be the same without a 7xx model name...
sparkie624 0
I agree... maybe they can go to 4 digits... 7107, 7207 ETC... It does not sound as good, but it keeps the 7... Back in the olden Days of the 727 and 737-200's, I just never thought that they would run out of numbers back then, or that it would ever be conceivable... They could always reuse numbers, maybe bringing back an all new redesigned 707 and 727 both made of the new materials and avionics... It would kind of like a rebirth of where they got started.
MultiComm 1
I vote no to reusing old numbers. Plus they will be a new type rating so it needs to be different...well I guess technically it doesn’t since the 717 shares a type rating with the DC9 but that is a bit different ...

I don’t like reusing old 4 engine aircraft names (707,727) and placing the same name on some new 2 engine redesign.
sparkie624 0
Just a wild idea... I know that they like only using 2 engines, but even so.. the 707 being reused... Majorly stretch it out and install 4 CFM-56's! - Just thinking out loud.

MultiComm 1
4 CFM56s would still be less thrust than 2 of the 777X GE9X engines and the latter would most likly burn less fuel.
sparkie624 0
True... I just thinking about how nice those engines would look on there....
MultiComm 1
For starters, when they design a plane they could go back to the traditional -100,-200 naming scheme instead of skipping generations like in the 777 ... going from a -300 to an -800 which would give more time to add variants under the same type rating. I guess it is too late for that now though.
Kevin Haiduk 5
Boeing 10. Oh wait, that's Windows.
sparkie624 -3
808, 818, 828.. ETC LOL!
sparkie624 -1
Will be interesting to see what innovations they come up with on this one... Waiting patiently (tapping foot)...
30west 2
Sparkie, I think you are confusing Trademark with Patent.
sparkie624 -1
Not really... Just wondering what their next new design will be.. Especially after seeing the new SST design!


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