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Hi Fly to acquire two used A380

Lisbon - The Portuguese carrier Hi Fly specialized in wet lease operations will acquire two used Airbus A380, formerly operated by Singapore Airlines. ( Más...

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21voyageur 1
With Hajj charters in possible in line, I suspect we will now see just how many pax the A380 can really really take on a journey. With little to any regard or need for regard into consideration, it will be tight.
siriusloon 2
What does "With little to any regard or need for regard into consideration..." mean?

Regard to what?
21voyageur 1
I have first hand knowledge in providing such services out of West Africa and cannot compare to any degree the services rendered on our "regular" flights to our Haj charters. Just a reality that was in place a few years ago with our airline. Maybe be different now but having to help people manage stairs who have never done so in their lives is something we can take for granted on non-Hajj operations.
jbermo 2
Regardless of airplane capacity, EASA minimum time evacuation requirements must still be met.
21voyageur 1
Agreed but capacity will be pushed to the maximum.
Torsten Hoff 4
Here is a evacuation test with 873 passengers:
william baker -1
Now all they need is those who want to grab luggage and take there time getting out lol.
sstuff 3
21voyageur 0
a bit ()*() perhaps? (anal?) ;-{)
No actually I would tend to side with SStuff. Poor spelling skills mark the writer out as being less-worthy of consideration. If you cannot form a sentence correctly, should you be taken as seriously? (debate). Another personal bugbear is the idiotic "your welcome" in place of the correct "you're welcome".

Correct grammar is an asset to communications. Imagine a pilot's operating instructions saying "flick the lite switch" - is this a switch for illumination or an under-weight piece of plastic?

(With tongue firmly in cheek - happy Tuesday!)
By the way, that evacuation video is a wonderful testament to the aircraft designers; having recently reviewed the evacuation video of BA2276 (B-777 reg G-VIIO) at Las Vegas in September 2015, it is clear that "leave your bags and GTFO" needs to be clearly articulated again.
21voyageur 1
You just about had me their.

(with tongue in cheek)


jbermo 2
I suspect that these two airplanes are destined to operate Haji charters. Many years ago, used passenger airplanes were converted to freighters after a season or two of Haji charters.
jbermo 2
Hajj charters that is!

Geoff Rowe 2
I may be a little inexperienced in these matters but isn’t 10 years not very long to be operating very expensive aircraft?
Torsten Hoff 8
Singapore didn’t own these aircraft, they were leased. They weren’t operating them at full capacity and decided to not extend the lease and return them to the owner.
siriusloon 1
Also, these are very early production examples and Singapore Airlines has been saying for a few years that they did not intend to keep them. The question was whether they would buy or lease brand-new A380s to replace them.
After leasing the initial airframes, Singapore have taken further A380 airframes recently - having proven the concept with the early ten-year lease deals.

I recall that one of the Japanese airlines proved a high-density configuration, decades ago, with the Boeing 747. Hajj traffic, and other short-term high-density requirements for passenger capacity, should provide a steady business stream for these early A380 airframes.


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