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TSA begins investigation of "don't touch my junk" guy, John Tyner

The Transportation Security Administration has opened an investigation targeting John Tyner, the Oceanside man who left Lindbergh Field under duress on Saturday morning after refusing to undertake a full body scan. ( Más...

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Chip Hermes 0
At the same time, millions of Americans are beginning their thorough investigation of the TSA.
They walked him out of the security screening area then threaten him with charges for leaving the security screening area. Thank GOD (not Allah) this guy was smart enough to turn on his phone's video cam.
Remember: The underwear bomber and the 9/11 hijakers were all on the terror watch list.

gerry ceccarini 0
It's a small inconvenience to assure my plane doesn't get blown up. Get used to it folks, It's a different world now.
Fast Pilot 0
Gerry, the problem is that there really is no 'assurance.' These screening techniques do not significantly contribute to higher levels of safety, just higher levels of intrusion. Do the scanners see into body cavities where explosives can be stored? No. Do they detect explosives? No. Do they take naked pictures of you? Yes. Do they get stored on a hard drive to be leaked to the world? Yes. If we are being asked to make these types of compromises, then we should demand real security improvements. Until then, 'keep you hands off my junk.'
Robbie Sherman 0
Gerry, that attitude is the one that leads to the government coming back later and taking more of your rights away. If security is so important, why not just militarize all flights, make everyone wear jumpsuits, and sit chain to the seat like in the movie "Conair". Wouldn't that make flights really safe? 1984 seems to be more than just a book.
Kevin Kuhn 0
hey guys remember when bush approved warrantless wiretapping and you all were outraged? oh wait, no, you weren't. reap what you sow.
skyddog 0
A lot of people think all this "security" makes them safer. Caution...don't believe everything you think!

And, maybe we ought to do a little more thinking about what is really going on and a little less taking it all for granted. The terrorists have won, and they used our government to do it. Brilliant, actually.
Chris Nash 0
All you people need to calm down. If you don't like the new security measures, then you can always take the bus. This is the way it will be and I expect even more security measures in the future.
Martin Ortiz 0
Those who sacrafice liberty for freedom deserve neither.
Martin Ortiz 0
Sorry, I meant sacrafice liberty for security. Oops.
Avi8r747 0
Well said David, very well said. That was their goal on day one. The terrorist knew they couldn't wage a war head on with the US to destroy us. But by making us scared, they have created this panic to react to everything. They knew the only the US would fall was from within. Every move since 9/11, has been a victory for them. TSA, is a huge win.
Avi8r747 0
Can't take a bus across the oceans.
Don Boyd 0
I love the jerks who say take the bus, drive your car, etc. if you don't like this BS. This is not the way it will be if enough American have the cajones to raise hell with their U. S. Representatives and Senators. The last thing our airline industry needs after years and years of tremendous losses is the TSA driving away millions of passengers who don't want themselves, their wives and their kids inspected nude on a scanner or forced to be sexually molested if they turn down the screening. If fuel prices don't doom our airlines eventually then government regulations will.
Don Boyd 0
I love the jerks who say take the bus, drive your car, etc. if you don't like this BS. This is not the way it will be if enough American have the cajones to raise hell with their U. S. Representatives and Senators. The last thing our airline industry needs after years and years of tremendous losses is the TSA driving away millions of passengers who don't want themselves, their wives and their kids inspected nude on a scanner or forced to be sexually molested if they turn down the screening. If fuel prices don't doom our airlines eventually then government regulations will.
Kevin Clark 0
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin, 1775
Randy Michel 0
I'm starting to think Jesse Ventura is right on his conspriacy theories relating to the government. The problem with the government, they are always late on reacting to a problem, and when they do react, they always overreact. With TSA, you have a bunch of unqualified idiots telling everybody, including airport police what to do. They have a fake badge on their shirts and think they're the experts and can do whatever they want, and they can because they have no proper oversight. I haven't flown the airlines in 10 years, but I've thought about asking the next time I go through screening, for each official's identification so I can verify they aren't on a sex-offender registry. The upside is, its causing people to go get their PPL, buy their own airplane, or charter.
skyddog 0
...."temporary" being the operative word?
Randy Michel 0
I'm starting to think Jesse Ventura is right on his conspriacy theories relating to the government. The problem with the government, they are always late on reacting to a problem, and when they do react, they always overreact. With TSA, you have a bunch of unqualified idiots telling everybody, including airport police what to do. They have a fake badge on their shirts and think they're the experts and can do whatever they want, and they can because they have no proper oversight. I haven't flown the airlines in 10 years, but I've thought about asking the next time I go through screening, for each official's identification so I can verify they aren't on a sex-offender registry. The upside is, its causing people to go get their PPL, buy their own airplane, or charter.
williamsvaughn 0
Funny that the Israelis, who went through hell in the 60’s and 70’s, don’t go through all these contortions, yet in modern times have an impeccable record of commercial aviation security.


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