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Eastern Air Lines Cancels Order For 20 Mitsubishi MRJs

Eastern Air Lines and Mitsubishi Aircraft have terminated a purchase agreement for 20 MRJ regional jets, shaving off close to 10% of the manufacturer's firm order book. ( Más...

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Tobin Sparfeld 2
This is turning into a disaster for Mitsubishi. The plane was supposed to be done back in 2012, but now won't be done until 2020. It's not only competing against the Bombardier Cseries, but soon the Embraer E2 jets will start entering service as well. It's hard to see them doing well against that competition as well as the Chinese DC-9 ripoff.
this eastern airlines is not the same as the old one here in the u.s.,that we have fond memoires of..that one went by the wayside,as did pan am and twa and braniff and some others that are just in aviation history now..this eastern is in the eastern part of the world,and is a carrier that has been owned and resold a few times..the name however does bring back the old memories of those blue and white aircraft and that logo...
ADXbear 1
Where is Frank Lorenzo
phil gibson 2
Wrong Eastern......Chinese version.....🤨

David Vega 1
Isn't this more because Eastern was sold out vs. about the MRJs?
William Herron 0
Patrick Coyne 0
A hustle for FlighGlobal website. Too Bad. Unable to view article without signing up.
pilotjag 1
I'm not sure what you're talking about. I can view the link just fine and I'm not even a FlightGlobal subscriber. Try again


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