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South Africa’s CemAir finalizes Q400 order

South Africa’s CemAir has finalized an order for two new Bombardier Q400 turboprops, which was announced at the 2017 Paris Air Show. The order is valued at $66 million based on list prices. ( Más...

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Randall Kimm 1
I think Bombadier made a dreadful mistake by selling Q400 program to the Chinese. We are literally throwing the best turbop in the world to the Chinese. This is one of their best aircraft in the world and a moneymaker for all airlines using this airplane. After a week of thought I believe that this is an idiotic idea. Q series aircraft are cash cows. You don't sacrifice one of the best and most profitable products. This was a DUMB idea.

Roch Comeau 1
Did I miss something? All I see from mainstream news is Bombardier considering asset sales.


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