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Sen. Inhofe Lands On Closed Runway At South Padre Island

Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.) was flying his twin-engine Cessna 340 down to Port Isabel, Tex., on Thursday, headed to his house on South Padre Island. It's something he's done every so often for the past 50 years. Inhofe, who was traveling with three others, told us Tuesday that he was "getting ready to land, then I saw a big X," and the workers and equipment. So he flew the six-seater over the workers and landed "well off to the side," he said. ( Más...

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David Aldrich 0
beacham66 0
Hmmm..lets see if the FAA has something to say about his knowledge of airport procedures. I'm guessing not. I mean this happens everyday and the rules do not apply to our elite leaders of government.
Jim Stadelmaier 0
It sounds to me like deteriorating decision making skills and deserves an FAA checkride per his current certificate.
Jim Hensley 0
Being a pilot from the great state of Oklahoma I have encountered Sen. Inhofe and his lack of regard for the Federal Aviation Rules and Regulations first-hand. It would appear he thinks his position as a United States Senator puts him above following the rules. From this story one would conclude he did not check for notams at this airport and did not listen to the ASOS before he arrived. After he did see the large X on the runway he still landed without any regard for the safety of his passengers or the workman on the runway. He fails to take any responsibility for his actions, instead he chooses to put the blame on the personal at the airport because they do not like him. My encounter with the Senator was at Altus, OK when he cut me off on final in his Grumman Tiger. That day he was not using his radios to announce his position in the traffic pattern or listening to other aircraft who were also attempting to land. I was forced to make a go around to avoid landing on top of him and after approaching him on the ground he made the excuse that he was late for a meeting and was in such a hurry he must have forgot to tune his radio to the unicom frequency. The FAA should take some action to protect the public before someone gets hurt.
antonio alaniz 0
If it was any of us common mortals we would be in big doo doo.
Robert Gomez 0
Whisky Tango Foxtrot ?

Matt Comerford 0
Not only did he land on the closed runway, he took off on the taxiway!!! The article states there were other available runways!! WTF is right!


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