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42 Years After the Fall of Saigon - A350s Galore in Vietnam

The A350 has been in Saigon/Ho Chi Minh for about two years now, but it is still amazing how fast this city has grown on the aviation map, with a new super-airport in the works to replace Tan Son Nhat in the next decade (Long Thanh International Airport). The runway in this video was the site of frantic US withdrawal in 1975. ( Más...

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indy2001 7
I thought these Squawks were supposed to be about aviation news, not links to someone's personal YouTube video.

william baker 1
Welcome to the Internet. By the way the movie was called “The last flight out” Pan Am was the last American carrier to pull out of Siagon using a L1011 if I’m not mistaken. It was also changed from a commercial flight to a military charter because the FAA banned us carriers to fly in Vietnam.


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