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Jury rules FedEx deal caused airline's bankruptcy, owes $66M

A federal court jury has decided that FedEx prematurely canceled a key agreement for military charter flights with ATA Airlines, causing the Indianapolis-based air carrier to crash in bankruptcy. ( Más...

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Bill Halpin 0
What a shame. ATA was a good airline. I flew with them between PHX and MDW several times. I was definitely impress. I was so impressed with them I was planning on flying them to HNL from PHX but they went bankrupt before the plan trip. May they rest in peace!
indy2001 0
I agree. I loved our "hometown" airline, especially since they helped move our military around so much when needed. They grew out of our travel club (Ambassadair), which also went the way of the dodo without the ATA aircraft to charter at a reasonable cost. The ATA cabin crews were fun, but not over the top like SWA. Too bad FedEx felt the need to bully a smaller airline just to gain some temporary hangar space at KIND. I know several of the local FedEx workers were angry and embarrassed by their company's actions.
JudyBee 0
I also concur. ATA was a great airline and I miss their presence in IND.

toolguy105 0
ANA's story reminds me of Braniff Airlines story (See book Flying Colors) another well managed Airline that went under in spite of themselves.


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