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New data shows how close jets came to crashing at SF airport

Newly released data and photos show how shockingly low an Air Canada jet was when it pulled up to avoid crashing into planes waiting on a San Francisco International Airport taxiway last month. ( Más...

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Highflyer1950 1
So if the video/pic is authentic then what is that which appears to be an aircraft doing on 28R just before 01R?

scott8733 2
The Business Insider article is a bit more descriptive and shows more pics from moments in time than the Gazette one. Hopefully this helps, unless I didn't paste correctly. If it doesn't work I apologize and admit old age.
Highflyer1950 1
Thx Scott. I still can't make out that gray silhouette on 28R!
scott8733 1
Me neither. I've looked at that silhouette a dozen times and can't tell what it is.


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