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Plane leaving Chicago crashes in northern Wisconsin, killing 6, authorities say

Authorities said six people aboard a Cessna airplane were killed when it crashed in northern Wisconsin. The Price County sheriff's office said the airplane crashed at 3:21 a.m. Saturday near the city of Phillips. ( Más...

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Gary Harper 1
The track log shows it being at 10,200 ft. and then climbing at 220 ft. per minute with a 30 mph speed drop, following by a steep high speed decent which began 20 seconds later. Makes me wonder if the "local weather phenomenon" was icing.
Torsten Hoff 1
The flight track also shows a moderate to severe storm cell in the vicinity:
brahuna 1
This happened about 7 miles from my house. I was outside at the time and didn’t hear anything. The weather was clear and extremely quiet. It’ll be interesting to hear what happened.
brahuna 1
matt jensen 2
National Transportation Safety Board investigators say there was a discussion between the pilot of the plane and air traffic controllers about “local weather phenomenon.” Soon after, the aircraft dropped off radar.

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matt jensen 14
This is an aviation forum. What is your problem?

While I don't follow all the news about common carriers and aircraft builders, items about General Aviation gets my attention. I realize that may not stimulate a lot of people here, but I did not read anywhere that topics about GA are off limits and frowned upon.


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