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Airlines Look To Improve Onboard Well-Being

Innovations range from the obvious—more comfortable seating—to the more futuristic: seat-based sensors that can monitor a passenger’s status during the flight, feeding information back to the cabin crew. ( Más...

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A little more padding and a couple more inches would go a long way. I don't know that you really need futuristic sensors to fix the obvious.
this is actually funny since American airlines announced just a couple of days ago their new 737's will have a few inches less room for each seat in coach..i remember several years back when the big aa advertising gimmick was" more legroom in coach"..i believe that was on the md 80's,now phasing out of quickly they forget!!!!

siriusloon 2
That hysterical laughter you hear is Ryanair's head honcho, who has seriously proposed having passengers stand and hang onto straps like on a bus. He'd probably charge them for the use of the straps, too.
Bernie20910 1
The story is behind a paywall but I can't help but wonder if this article was rushed to print after all the recent press given to, shall we say, decidedly negative passenger experiences and now Congressional scrutiny?
John Cotton 1
BTW, Aviation Week does not charge a fee to see articles such as this, but they do require registration.


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