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First Boeing 737 MAX to Enter Service on May 19th with Malindo Air

Lion Air’s subsidiary Malindo Air will take delivery of its first Boeing 737 MAX 8 on May 15, thus becoming the first in the world to operate the re-engined narrowbody airliner. The first aircraft will arrive to Kuala Lumpur on May 17, and it is expected to enter into service on May 19, from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. ( Más...

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aidannorman 1
I thought SouthWest was the launch customer.

Joy Carpenter 1
Southwest gets the first delivery but will not inter service until October. Malindo will have the first commercial flight if I'm not mistaken.
Joy Carpenter 1
Dang I was about to post this squawk. Oh well. I was 21 hours to late.


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