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Boeing Bags $2.2 Billion Navy Contract

It's been nearly a year now since Boeing (NYSE: BA) Executive Vice President Leanne Caret laid out her new plan for Boeing's defense business. With fighter-jet sales on the wane, Boeing would shift its emphasis to servicing and upgrading fighters it had already built. New plane sales, on the other hand, would lean toward auxiliary aircraft such as KC-46 fuel tankers and P-8A Poseidon anti-submarine warfare jets. ( Más...

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Doubt that I would call the KC46, let alone the Poseidon, an "auxiliary aircraft"!
n9341c 2
Are you kidding? And reveal his titanic intellect to the public domain? NEVER!

gerardo godoy -6
Some shinanigans has been going on with Boeing the Navy and the Air Force for years, they should be audited for a year to see all that's has been going on. I hope this administration makes good.
Jay Deet 7
Care to elaborate what the shenanigans were? Pretty worthless post without some meat on the bones.


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