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Turkish cabin crew help woman give birth at 42,000ft

Cabin crew on a Turkish Airlines flight celebrated the arrival of an extra passenger at 42,000ft (12,800 metres) when a woman gave birth to a baby girl. Passengers also assisted at the birth, which took place soon after take-off on a flight from Guinea's capital Conakry to... ( Más...

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deafsea 1
It's hard to believe this... Between these cities - 2 hours and 10 minutes, the bird fly that high as 42,000 feet. Not sure if that's normal for that short flight, isn't it?
Highflyer1950 1
No wonder the kid popped out! I'll bet the cabin altitude was above 8000' feet. Cruising higher than certificated service ceiling isn't something to proud of. I thought 41000 was max but could be wrong?

babyracer 1
28 weeks into her pregnancy eh? That kid sure don't look 2 month premature.
Ivan Blakely 1
assuming it was the 7 April flight, a replay showed cruise altitude of 39,000'
Paul Brugger 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Baby Born At 42,000 Feet, Turkish Airlines Crew Help In Delivery

The passengers of Turkish Airlines flight welcomed an unexpected little passenger when a baby girl was born mid-air on Sunday. The flight's crew helped in the delivery of the new-born. Some passengers in the airlines also helped the crew bring the child to life. Nafi Diaby, 28 weeks pregnant, went into labour on the flight soon after it took-off from Guinea's capital Conakry to Istanbul via Ouagadougou.


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