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Air Force: We have more drone pilot jobs than for any other aircraft

The United States Air Force now has more jobs available for drone pilots—known in military parlance as "remote-piloted aircraft" (RPA)—than for any other human-flown aircraft. This is according to a recent report on Citing remarks made by Lt. Gen. Darryl Roberson at a recent Air Force conference held in Florida on March 3, the Air Force specifically has more jobs for MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper drones. Gen. Roberson is the head of air education and training command. ( Más...

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joel wiley 2
Are they looking at this as a warthog replacement for CAS?

bentwing60 1
AWS&T quoted forward thinking USAF General officers some years back on the last manned fighter and Lockheed is sucking the last penny out of it even as we speak. JMHO. If you go places where people don't mind shootin, you're gonna get shot at! Some of em won't miss. No pilot, no foul. Takes an enormous cost/risk factor out of the mix. As does no pilot for enviromentals, Etc. So if it takes em 20 years or so to make a remotely piloted fighter (RPF) operational, You'll know Lockheed Martin won the bid. But they won't be able to blame the cost and delayed availability on safety with an RPF. The F35 really started in 2001. Where is it operationally? How long are the 15's, 16's, and A10's gonna last? And I'll be long dead and gone before a LM RPF takes down it's first Drone. Cheers.


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