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Passenger is kicked off a plane at Chicago airport after he ‘asked Middle Eastern man if he had a bomb’

An unruly passenger has been thrown off a flight awaiting for departure after he asked a fellow passenger of ‘Middle Eastern appearance’ whether he was carrying a bomb in his bag. The incident, which took place in Chicago on board a United Airlines flight to Houston, was filmed by fellow passengers outraged over the apparently racist comments. ( Más...

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DanWardlaw -2
That's the Trump frame of mind and those who follow, everyone who doesn't look the same or think the same as him unfortionatly suffers, although the person who made the comment looks like an idiot. Grow up Trump supporters before you start a war with someone you can't win against. ie. the World
Sam Johnson -2
Obviously you don't like President Trump. That's OK. It is also obvious you have never worked in an upper management position. If you had you would understand that attempting to turn the government around so it doesn't continually spend money, that it does not have and never will have, is an extremely difficult task. It takes time. Remember the statement, "Rome wasen't built in a day."? He and the people he has assembled are trying to save our country, financially and from people who are trying to take over the world. A friend of mine attended school in the middle east about 40 years ago. His teacher, who happened to be on slightly radical side said, "First we are going to get rid of the Saturday people, then we will start on the Sunday people." THAT IS A TRUE STORY.
matt jensen 5
Engage brain, before opening mouth!

GO UNITED!!! put him on the no-fly list !
sueridge307 3
Try JETSTAR Australia Qantas budget carrier you see that happen a lot on the YBBN/YSSY/Bahli routes younger generation with no respect
Highflyer1950 11
Mind in neutral, mouth in high gear......good move by United.
Richard Lomas 1
Mind in reverse really...neutral is being generous.
djames225 3
Amen..and reading through the article, it appears the mind must have been stuck in neutral as he continued while being escorted off.
bbabis 4
Probably more than a little to do with a belief in a better life through chemistry.


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