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100-day flight to break the endurence record this summer --- Anyone else heard of this?

just saw this and it's an interesting concept to get people into flying again. flying for 100 days straight tho can it be done? anyone else heard of this? ( Más...

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Torsten Hoff 2
That. Is. Awesome.
Harrold Black 1
Is it possible? I have not been able to get a hold of him
Harrold Black 1
I just put a request for information in the form of an AMA request... any aviation professionals and all familiar with the flight are welcome to answer any of the ten questions I have listed. I'm looking to do an article on this.
bentwing60 1
You are stupid!
Harrold Black 2
i guess they have a website too but it looks like its not finished yet ... ... can a plane even fly for 100 days straight if you refuel it properly?

bentwing60 3
The issue is the oil consumption and engine health overall. Fuel is the "easy part". 2400 hours is around or exceeds the typical overhaul period for a common G.A powerplant. Hard to clean spark plugs on the fly!
Harrold Black 1
Do you think it's realistically possible? And if so what about the weather?
bentwing60 1
Possible, yes, likely to occur, no. I wouldn't try it out of Seattle.


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