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Researcher suggests another brief but fiery cause for MH370's disappearance

We know MH370 was suddenly taken off course. This theory doesn't involve rogue pilots, but bad luck and several design flaws ( Más...

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Martin Haisman 6
So it selectively took out Transponders, pressurisation and ACARS selectively leaving the adjacent critical flight avionics working specifically. Then the FIS just programmed the flight-path/altitude changes by itself along with the turns/AP turns. Yep must be the cause.
Highflyer1950 5
Well I have a had a couple of windshields fail at altitude but never a windshield on fire! The middle pane electrical grid can short or give out, over temp or under temp and the outside pane goes bang, but the inside pane maintains integrity although hard to see through. A leaking 02 doesn't make alot of sense since on normal it is demand only, not pressure demand and a review of bottle pressure would show a drop on the guage. In the absence of direct evidence I still believe that "some" incident caused the crew to select hdg and spin the slew the hdg selector to the left for an immediate return before incapacitation. Heading S/W until fuel starvation. It's a mystery alright.
Colin Seftel 3
For details of reported windshield fires see:
Highflyer1950 2
Thx for links, but only the Egypt Air acciident draws any kind of conclusion that frayed wires next to the 1st officers' 02 supply tube may have provided the ignition source. And if it gets inside the sidewall then it may travel all the way to the 02 source via the supply line. Most windshield fires are short lived because the of CB protection and crew action........still as everyone states, when the a/c is finally found there may be answers. At least through FA the story stays out in front.
Edward Bardes 2
The aircraft would've continued along its pre-programmed flight path to Beijing if that were the case.
bbabis 3
It's always best to read the article before posting. Better yet click the link to the full paper. The crew initiated an emergency diversion. How far they got in the process and the final autopilot configuration is unknown.
Edward Bardes 2
The calculated flight path shows the plane turning left, and then right, and then left again before heading out over the open ocean. That doesn't look like a beeline for the closest suitable airfield, as would've been executed if there was any sign of fire on board. Furthermore, there has never been a case where an airplane was able to remain airborne for more than half an hour while on fire.
bbabis 4
As the article states, if you've already made up your mind that rogue pilots or some spy/counter spy conspiracy caused the loss, don't bother reading. Pleasent skies Edward.
Edward Bardes 1
I wanted to know how they came to their conclusion is all.
Bernie20910 2
You could try reading both the article and the full paper.
Edward Bardes 2
I did. And it doesn't equate to what I know about airplanes and accidents.
Bernie20910 2
Well, it IS just a suggested possibility, not a final accident report.
bbabis 2
Very plausible. His full report covers all the bases with detailed explanations. The picture of the Egypt Air 777 cockpit after a 4 minute oxygen fire is very telling. Add wind from a failed windshield and that cockpit is useless.
nofossil70 1
I'm not a 777 pilot but this is my take on MH 370.
Captain locked out FO.
Turned off transponder, acars
Depresusurzed the aircraft.
Set heading bug to 180+_ and Mach hold.
Not realizing it ran out of crew o2 and died.
When aircraft ran out of fuel auto pilot left altitude at set Mach and descended.
Crash should have been on heading set and around 230 kts

nofossil70 1
Correction to my comment
Speed set to kts at altitude. 230kts about .76 M
linbb 1
Slow news day, speculation on what happened is not worth printing. Perhaps one day the rest of the AC will be found and then post.
bbabis 3
If you read the report this is very news worthy especially to an aviation site like FA. It brings in facts and calls out much misinformation that has been posted on this site and others.


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