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Man Sneaks Onto Jet At Van Nuys Airport, Smokes Cigarette

VAN NUYS (AP) — Police have arrested a man who sneaked through a vehicle entrance at Van Nuys Airport and boarded a jet, where he hung out smoking a cigarette. Employees discovered the 25-year-old transient Thursday afternoon on a Gulfstream G4 at the airport, which serves noncommercial flights. Los Angeles Airport Police say he hid behind a vehicle entering the airfield and made it to a hangar, then boarded the plane. ( Más...

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Ric Wernicke 4
Airport security needs to be tighter than the North end of a South bound pilot making a night carrier landing.

They certainly are collecting enough taxes to do the job, and it is darn difficult for pilot or passenger to board an aircraft, so there is no excuse for gadfly's to be relaxing in a G4.
Torsten Hoff 2
There have been a number of complaints from tenants and aircraft owners at Van Nuys in the last year or so because of lack of physical security. Airplanes have been hit with graffiti and vandalized.

ADXbear -3
And this is News Why?

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Can't divulge that info. to flyers!!!

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