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ANA announces new Star Wars themed jet

ANA has revealed plans to paint one of its Boeing 777-200s as C-3PO as part of the company’s Star Wars project. Fans of the film franchise were the first to see the new C-3PO jet design after it was unveiled at the Star Wars Celebration Europe event in London last weekend. ANA plans to start flying the jet on domestic routes in Japan from the end of March. The C-3PO motif, which includes detailed body parts and wiring is decorated onto the aircraft’s fuselage. ANA launched the Star Wars Project… ( Más...

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Yusef Elnahas 1
@andrewcarter747b. Yes, I agree. All Nippon Airways was really into Pokemon, and now Star wars.

Yes seen this aircraft last week yellow decals fantastic paint job. But always liked the Pokemon two 747-400 they had as well


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