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Solar Impulse 2 takes off for flight across the Atlantic

(CNN)From 3,000 feet over the Atlantic aboard the Solar Impulse 2, Bertrand Piccard says he feels like he's in a science fiction film. "Because you look at the sun, you see your props turning, and you think 'Wow, that's really magic,'" the Swiss pilot told CNN via satellite video from the cockpit. The aircraft took off Monday from New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport in the first attempt to fly a solar-powered aircraft across the Atlantic Ocean. ( Más...

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Una gran etapa,cruzar el Atlántico y llegar en buena compañia (Patrulla Aguila) a Sevilla
welcome to Spain!!
John Konieczny 1
Where do you find the tracking site?
[email protected]
Same as in my comment below:
John Konieczny 1
Where do you find the tracking site?
Hugh Loraine 3
Oops.... Now down to 51kts at 7300... Fascinating!!
There are constant variations in their speed. Apparently they caught a good tailwind yesterday.
Hugh Loraine 3
What amazes me the most is to watch live ADS-B, with Sol2 and everything else about 30,000 ft higher doing 10 X the ground speed....
patrick baker 1
wolfie: I can read pretty okay, but 20 minute power naping is not so easily accomplished. Churchill is reported to have lived world war 2 that way. But he had scotch and cigars to make it all worthwhile. Piccard does not so easily evade weather systems unforecast, so think kind thoughts for him. I am quite sure he didn't leave until he had good feelings about 4 days over the atlantic. I would like to see his track after the flight, for it may have some wobbly lines.

You have to take into consideration that he has done it before, they are close to 75% done. Also, they have trained to do just that.

As for the wobbly lines, there will be many, most of them because of weather, but also to position the solar panels for best exposure to the sun, especially in the early morning. I followed their progress over the Pacific quite closely, they have done a great job in planning the trip and there is a very good team behind them on the ground.

I'm quite impressed with what they are doing.
Patrick, if you want to follow the progress you can go to
You can see how wobbly the progress is, he's just east of Cape Breton Island now. There is all kinds of info, just snoop around, you'll see.
Hugh Loraine 0
Sol2 is also visible via ADS-B doing 56 kts at 6000 just east of Newfoundland, if you have the FlightRadar 24 app....
patrick baker 1
when Charles lindberg flew the "spirit of st Louis" across the atlantic, he rightfully entered the hall of heroic pilots. courage, beauty for sure. This flight can be considered }"in the general neighborhood" of heroic piloting, for the pilot must stay awake longer- nearly four days-, sit in a very slow moving machine that is far more sensitive to winds and weather than most of us would find comfortable, in a flight that can never be topped. This scientific experiment is noble, captivating, exciting, and I wish calm winds for the duration.
Torsten Hoff 2
I'm not sure that Bertrand Piccard has to stay awake -- he has autopilots that Lindbergh could only dream of. I'm sure Piccard will take powernaps to help him remain focused.
That's what the text says, contrary to Patrick Baker. He'll take 20 minutes naps.
Roy Hunte 1


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