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United passenger gets 'very angry' when denied extra peanuts on flight

A man accused of endangering the safety of a transatlantic flight became extremely angry and swore when he was told he could not have extra nuts and crackers, according to court proceedings Monday. ( Más...

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Highflyer1950 3
So this monkey was a model passenger, according to him (no bias there). Yep, Captains divert all the time for no good reason! I would have kicked him off the aircraft and barred him from UA for 10 years.

linbb 2
Too bad it didn't have a rear stair door, open it and let him out in flight would take care of the problem.
MH370 2
iflyfsx 2
So people have no problem with the tsa getting their hands in their pants and stroking their genitals, but NOT ENOUGH PEANUTS!? WHAT??? UNACCEPTABLE!!!
aidannorman 1
The flight Attendant should have just given him peanuts and told him that when they come around for snack service that he won't be given anymore.
andromeda07 1
I don't condone his behavior, but the amount of peanuts and snacks they give out nowadays is laughable. It just gets your stomach going and makes you a lot hungrier than if they'd never given you anything.


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