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Trudeau wants Bombardier Inc’s ‘superlative’ CSeries jet to be a national ‘success story’

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has nothing but praise for Bombardier Inc.’s struggling CSeries jet, saying it’s a superior plane that his government wants to become a national “success story.” ( Más...

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Gee EmCee 3
Bombardier makes good machines. Their RJ set the standard for regional airliners. Their 601 Challenger was the first "widebody" bizjet. Don't underestimate what a good aircraft this is. Airbus and Boeing are both HEAVILY subsidized by their governments. They are playing hardball because the last thing they want is more competition. Go Canada!
robbreid 2
Exactly - someone who gets it!!!
Mitch Byers 2
He wants the CSeries to succeeded but refuses to expand the Island Airport in Toronto... I don't see his logic there
robbreid 1
The logic involves Trudeau's campaign pledge to Adam Vaughan - in exchange for not supporting expansion - he got Toronto political support. Now it's up the the PQ Govt - at their 1st opportunity when the Feds need PQ support - they will pressure Trudeau to renege on his deal with Vaughan (sooner or later).
Mitch Byers 1
I saw this great article today! Should put it all the rest very soon
Ant Miraa 1
This plane was very late in the making. Instead of building the useless crj1000 they should have built this. Because of this failure, Embraer came out with the Ejets which turned out to be popular. Now Bombardier is playing catch up.
Greg Maynard 0
Absolutely. In hind sight, a conservative mistake for the past lack of fore sight
Greg Maynard 1
Myself as well; where did you get your information? Hello:
Highflyer1950 1
They say 243 firm orders but it probably includes all models, I just don't trust the numbers the company furnished. Might be wrong however, have to wait and see.
robbreid 1
You are wrong - actual orders including undisclosed are around 300.
John Thurston 1
Of course they want it to succeed. They truly believe "I'm from the government and I'm here to help.".
Highflyer1950 -1
If you build it they will come, what a load of political french bulls..t. If it was such a great plane, why are there zero firm orders other than the government hamstrung Air Canada!

Where do you get your information about zero firm orders except Air Canada?
Highflyer1950 1
Bombardier order book.
Gudseeds 0
BBD 'Big Bad Decision' ! Made Numerous Mistakes from the Start ! Going up against AirBus, Boeing, Embraer ? Cost Over Runs, Poor Board of Directors, etc. ! Now Fuel Prices are so low, the Airlines want 'Seats..not MPG' ! Should have stuck with just the Bizz Jet's and leave the 'Big Decisions to the Big Boys' ! (at least the ones who have a 'Proven Track Record' of actually 'Running a Business' in that Industry ! ) Can scratch 40 more orders now that Republic is probably 'Out' !


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