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12 Museums For the Aviation Enthusiast

If you, or someone you love, is interested in airplanes and the history of flight, there’s probably a museum near you for that. And if you've already been to that museum, there are plenty of others across the country you might want to plan your next vacation around. ( Más...

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Ralph Torres 3
Naval Aviation Museum at Pensacola is one of my favorites and a must see.
John Yount 3
Looking for a B-36,47,52 SR71 tons more, Castle Air Museum, Atwater, Ca.

Craig G 2
No Mention of the one in San Diego?
Muchits 1
Delta Museum of Flight is another great one not mentioned
Chris Fraser 1
What about Planes of Fame?
A quick google search coughed up 553,000 entries. Here is just one.
Jimmy Robinson 1
I'm surprised the Warner Robins Museum of Aviation is not on the list. Look at Wikipedia and you'll see "The Museum of Aviation is the second-largest aerospace museum of the United States Air Force." I've been going to this museum since it was a single tin building and now it comprises two very large buildings and the original building and I think I heard at one time that a third addition was being considered. This museum has some great aircraft as well as high-quality exhibits and history inside the main building. You enter the main building and you are greeted by an F-15 being serviced. It is definitely worth the trip. I would have also expected the see the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola. It has a carrier flight deck mock-up on the main floor and is a great museum also.

I've never been to Kill Devil Hills to see the Wright Brothers Memorial unfortunately. As important as this is to aviation, I see it more as a memorial or monument than an aviation museum. Just a thought.
frank1711 1
Bucket list!
nashcat 1
The Staggerwing (Beechcraft Heritage) Museum in Tullahoma, TN for all things Beechcraft.
oowmmr 1
Great list and if you visit Pima there is a CAF Wing at Falcon Field in Mesa, KFFZ.
LethalThreat 1
Very cool, thank you for submitting. I'll have to check some of these out sometime soon!
John Gerken 1
You can't forget about Evergreen Air and Space Museum in McMinnville, OR. Home of the HK-1 Hercules (Spruce Goose). Most people think that aircraft was dismantled for firewood after it was removed from Long Beach, CA. It lives in a small town in OR surrounded by some of the best and most feared aircraft of WWII. Plus they have the only B747 water slide park that I know of. You literally start inside the cabin of a 747 mounted on the roof of the indoor water park.


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