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Lufthansa cargo plane crashes at Riyadh airport
A Lufthansa cargo plane has crashed at King Khaled International Airport in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, Saudi state television reports. There were no casualties on the German-owned plane, the kingdom's civil aviation authority said. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Could they have come in too fast, or was do you think a weight and balance issue?
Oh btw I couldn't get the audio to play on the BBC link.
You're kidding, right? Hey baby, wanna go for a ride?
That's what I was thinking. On another note, the civilian cargo DC 10's and MD-11's are set up a lot like the USAF KC-10's except for the "boomer office"? It was a pretty nice ride.
I don't think anyone would disagree that there was probably a bit of hank-panky going on there. This sort of behavior most likely happens more than we'd like to believe.