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Air NZ free for new customers to join

The CEO Christopher Luxton has made a statement saying since there frequent flyer program had stared including Kouru club membership. The aurline has gone out of it's way by promoting it's air points programmer to join for free. Normally there is a $75.00 NZ to join but because of the huge number of membership in 2014 air new zealand decided to make it free and waive the fee for joining. Qantas have lashed out at this saying it's just another publicity stunt even though anz has… ( Más...

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jal6010 2
Are you sure you have the right link for this??. Its just there airpoints site. Unless you look it up I found it in there media section

leeyein501 0
Yep that is correct I join them 48 hours ago FREE for anz airpoints


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