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(Video) Shoreham Air Show Crash

A Hawker Hunter plane has crashed while performing at the Shoreham Air Show. ( Más...

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Chris B 1
Jeff Lambert 2
Keeping the potential paths away from spectators is a good call. Healthy, highly skilled, by-the-book pilots is another good call. Well maintained aircraft is not a bad thing. Outside of this, shit happens, but it will be rare if the other items are covered. I love air shows, and I love people. Let's just pray for those who died and for the family and other loved ones they left behind. And pray for what may have been if those who died had not. Finally, pray that lessons are learned that will make such events a memory of the past.
Chris B 1
I know Shoreham Airport well.
It was my first GA airport starting when I was 12. Back then it was an all grass field. The road is a motorway that I've driven hundreds of times in my life. The Hunter has always been one of my favorite jets ever since airshows at RAF Chivenor.
This hits close to home.
sparkie624 1
Bad for all involved... My prayers go out to all of those affected...
ADXbear 1
This accident illustrates why all US airshows are conducted away from people on the ground with strict lines of flight.. people on the ground should never be at risk. It look like he failed to initiate his pull out in time.. RIP to these folks.
latteju 3
FYI The plane didn't crash in the audience. Unfortunately it crashed on a nearby highway.
Hans Vellinger 4
It is best to get the facts right, before you make a comment. Look at the map first. The aircraft was flying over the airfield more or less parallel to the 25-07 runway, not even close to populated areas.
People on the ground are not really at risk during airshows. I think you can put it in the same bracket as people visiting motorsport events. If a car crashes through a barrier then people are at risk too. But what is the comment then ?? and so died when a racing car landed on top of him, Ok, the show must go on. No, this accident was purely that. If you look at the flight path, then you can feel what happened. During the pull out the outer wing sections stalled, causing the center of pressure move forward, making the nose of the aircraft go up, causing more of the wing to stall and the aircraft literally stopped flying. It moved down because of the stall and forward under its engine thrust.
Knut Meyer 2
Hans, I believe your deductions are plain wrong. The outboard sections of the wings are normally the last to stall; deliberately so by design. What we see here a poorly judged execution of a flight display - insufficient altitude to start with followed by a high speed stall in an attempt to recover before hitting the ground.
This of course is assuming no structural or engine failure or pilot incapacity.
m3lightning 1
Swept wing aircraft stall from the wing tips inward, and the center of lift moves forward in a stall, increasing the pitch up moment. Why the aircraft stalled is the key question that the investigation needs to determine.
Knut Meyer 3
I stand to be corrected and my apologies to Hans - one learns something new every day.
John Taylor 1

Ref prev comments of possible flameout? Does the Hawker have hyd controls plus cable? Or just hyd? If no cable that explains why he didn't just roll level and abort the loop; he couldn't!!
m3lightning 1
From what I've read, it does have a manual flight control system as a backup to the hydraulic system, and there are several accumulators that can provide a small amount of emergency hydraulic pressure in the event of a pump or engine failure. At a glance, it looks like a reasonably robust system. A flameout, if it occurred, could still be a major factor--I hadn't heard about that suspicion.
John Taylor 2
"Feel" what happened? I'm in a/c accident investigation 30 years and never knew that term in that context! "Most probable cause" is obvious. He stalled it into the ground. Reason? There could be many:insufficient alt. and/or airspeed on entry,loss of thrust,disorientation,or even some sort of mechanical problem;all will need to be thoroughly addressed, including pilot proficiency, to ascertain actual "cause"!The "pilot proficiency" factor in this specific maneuver should have very high priority!!
Hans Vellinger 1
John- "Feel", as in close your eyes and visualize the flight path. I have been in accident investigation for the best part of my life too, so don't worry. I didn't want to get technical, hence the word "feel".
John Taylor 1
Accident investigation is, and must be, almost totally "technical" and hard-fact based. Straying into visualization smacks of "imagination" and conjecture which I've found often leads to false findings. We obviously come from very different training and experience. Be well. JFT

Dee Lowry 2
John- Most likely you are right. The aircraft stalled. Didn't want to get technical. It's all about "aviation fundamentals".
All US airshows are conducted away from people?

This must be new, because the Blue Angels were definitely flying over people in Seattle a few weeks ago.... Seattle is still in the US as far as i know.
Peter Schmidt 2
It's little more subtle - the actual regulation is that the "energy" of the aircraft (in fighter pilot terms) may not be directed toward the "show line" where the spectators are. That way, if the aircraft departs controlled flight, its path will not take it into the crowd. Practically speaking, when the Blues' soloists cross the show line, they will always be climbing, so the energy is directed above and past the crowd. They can level off once past the show line to go do their turnarounds.
John Taylor 1
Well said Peter. And for the most part they do it that way. I have no fault w/their professionalism. But!! Though infrequent; I see those "energy" vectors violated at every airshow, both w/them and the T-Birds. Wind,vis., timing, sun-angle, etc; it's so damned complicated and they make it appear "as a walk in the park". The AF/Navy propaganda is that these are maneuvers all "jocks" do daily. Wrong!! Most pilots have never been on the wing in either a roll or a loop; nor is there an operational need!
sam kuminecz 3
Prayers to those on the motorway who lost their lives
sam kuminecz 2
Pilot survived but critical condition...hope he recovers and knows what went wrong
Martin Connor 3
A Tragic accident and condolences to all those who have lost their loved ones.

News Media in the States reporting this was a World War II era fighter. If that had been accurate it would have been a shorter war.
matt jensen 1
Seven reported killed in the accident
matt jensen 1
Oops! Heart attack at the top of my list
bentwing60 1
Oops, stalled at the top of my list. At 34 seconds and impact the pitch attitude is nose above the horizon but descant rate unchecked. It hit tail first. I can't believe either crew survived!
Dee Lowry 1
I agree bentwing60. He did stall and didn't have the real estate to "pull up". Very sad. Sad for the lives lost. R.I.P.
You know, you hit on something that many people look past. The fact is that MANY airshow fliers are "up there" in age - and trying to play the same game they did "way back when". While I can not comment on how to do a roll, as I have never done one - I can comment as a former Professional athlete....just cant do what we used to, and when the engine is creating the G's for you, could have been anything from A-Fib to a stroke.
Bernie20910 1
He came very close to pulling out of it. If he'd had another 50' of altitude I think he'd have made it. I wonder what went wrong? Incorrect altimeter setting perhaps? Isn't that what was the cause of a similar crash not too long ago?
btweston 0
I don't know. You can see some wobbling near the end. Maybe saw it coming and pulled back a little harder causing a stall? Either way he ran out of altitude, altimeter setting notwithstanding. Oops.

And yeah, one of the thunderbirds did that a few years ago (also on youtube) but the guy ejected.
linbb 1
They set the altimeter to be zero at the airfield where they preformed at that time think it has been changed since then.
Jim Heslop 2
And then there was the time a long time ago when 4 Thunderbirds hit the deck.
The lead miss-judged and crashed. The team, keeping their visual reference with each other and not the horizon unfortunately followed their lead right into the ground also.
So unfortunate.
USAF official cause of the line abreast loop was due to a jammed stabilizer of the lead aircraft.
bentwing60 2
Yep, their story and they are stickin with it even when they had to destroy the evidence to absolve their guy! At the outset, the mechanical failure was an ADI, till someone reminded them that only outside the cockpit visual cues are used in the bottom of a low level loop. Can't find that in print anymore.
John Taylor 1
You're so right. Massive cover-up; and I think it was by Bill Creach?? (who now has a Base named after 'im) In the day in USAFE he was known as a "blind-sider" w/every part of his ass totally covered at all times!!
linbb 1
Has happened more than once during WW11 wing following the lead into the ground when he went too low during a dog fight.
30west 1
I believe that there was an obstruction that prevented him from adding enough aft stick. very unfortunate.


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