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Up in the Air: Meet the Man Who Flies Around the World for Free

Schlappig, 25, is one of the biggest stars among an elite group of obsessive flyers whose mission is to outwit the airlines. They're self-styled competitors with a singular objective: fly for free, as much as they can, without getting caught. ( Más...

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JIm` C 3
To travel to all of those places and rarely leave the airport? That is sad in my book.
Highly amazing!
John Dough 2
There is a possibility that I used generic aluminum foil when I made my hat today... I get all my knowledge from the Enquirer.. I just can't trust Rolling Stone after the Dr. Hook cover.
C Anderson 1
What??? You mean to cast doubt upon the credibility of the National Enquirer? So I suppose you don't believe there are alien beings in captivity at area 51 either. And what about Bill Clinton's 87 illegitimate children, and his half-sister Hillary? Denier!
John Dough 2
This magazine is less credible than the National Enquirer
C Anderson 2
What??? You mean to cast doubt upon the credibility of the National Enquirer? So I suppose you don't believe there are alien beings in captivity at area 51 either. And what about Bill Clinton's 87 illegitimate children, and his half-sister Hillary? Denier!
Jana Mills 2
Seems like a bizarre, real life video game. Poor fellow.
Nick Lynam 2
People complain about ever-changing loyalty programs and how frequent fliers are offended by it. The reason these programs have become more restrictive is because of people like this guy.
Mike Mohle 1
I don't get it.

chudddds -3
I was doing this before that little peter puffer was even born, yawn.
Iain Robertson 2
His life sounds like an episode of The Twilight Zone...
Alan Staats 3
...great article, but as a veteran of the travel world in the 70s, 80s and 90s (I usually spent between 200 to 300 days a year on the road) being rewarded with more opportunities to schlep more cameras, more strobes, more cases and bags onto another airplane for free always struck me as somewhat sadistic. It would have been a bit more... rewarding, for lack of a better term, to get a weekend cabin somewhere remote and quiet enough that airplanes never flew over it...
Margeaux K 3
Really interesting!
C Anderson 4
The "take home" here is: "Life is too short not to take up what you love." Good article.


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