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Boeing Finally Unloads the "Terrible Teens" 787s

A massive weight has been lifted from Boeing's 787 Dreamliner inventory and transferred to Ethiopian Airlines as the carrier agreed to terms today to acquire six of the ignominous aircraft that have been sitting undelivered for years. ( Más...

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sparkie624 1
I bet they got a Real Good Deal on them...
Blue light special!!!
Funny how no purchase price was disclosed.
I pretty sure Ethiopian stole these birds.
How many terrible teens was there? Who else got in on the blue light???

744pnf 2
I believe there were ten overweight 787s remaining.
linbb 1
It was one way to move those AC out of the inventory nothing new here. Like the fellow below said as he follows these things they were over design weight and did not meet the specs. So other AC were used to supply those who had the teens on order. Old news by the way them selling those.


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