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Officials continue investigation into plane crash

Five people dead in two separate crashes in three days in Missouri. Both of these happened within 50 miles of my home. As a former CFI, these accidents really bother me. ( Más...

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Torsten Hoff 1
The article appears to be behind a paywall or something, all the text is covered up with gray bars as if it had been redacted.
Loral Thomas 1
I just clicked on the link and went right to it. Don't know why you couldn't.

bentwing60 1
I got what Torsten got!
Loral Thomas 1
Interesting cause I can go right to it. Anyway, here's another link:
Loral Thomas 1
Can't for the life of me figure out why this guy was TEXTING his family while flying in severe turbulence. Witnesses say plane came apart before crashing. One wing was found 1/4 mile from crash site. What was his speed? Was it below maneuvering speed? Why? Why? Why?


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