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Six-year-old on no-fly list

"An Ohio family recently learned their 6-year-old daughter was on the Department of Homeland Security’s 'no-fly' list, reported. Alyssa Thomas, 6, was traveling with her parents when a ticket agent notified the family she was on the list of restricted fliers..." ( Más...

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Wendell Smith 0
Makes you wonder how many errors are being made on the other side of this issue, ie. known terrorist being allowed to fly.
Ferguson Sam 0
YIPEE here comes the govt to save the day!

Aaron Whaley 0
Gotta love government intervention..."Hi I am from the US Government and am here to help you"...

Other than a typical SNAFU the only reason I could see for her being on the No Fly would be for behaviour...yes it happens.
Joseph Zmijewski 0
Does the Child even knows what her ABC's are yet?
Aaron Whaley 0
@ 6 years old she should and probably can read if she is anything like the ones I know...

BTW got to thinking about the behaviour issue, and I believe that is logged by the airlines not TSA.
Mark Krawiec 0
It's probably another Alissa Thomas.
agg1930 0
It sure must be a very "DANGEROUS" little girl!!! This story plus the one about Air Tran and another little girl with a tiny turtle beeing harassed, shows what the wonderful efforts are that this administration is implementing to keep us safe!!!!
Come November "throw the bums out"!!!!!


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