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Germanwings pilot was muslim convert

Germany now has their own mini 9-11. It's not like you couldn't see this news coming ( Más...

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microwalda 2
I was wondering how long it would take until someone starts with the muslim theory

preacher1 1
I figure it has been on folk's minds for awhile but nothing said until there was some evidence and the evidence is fairly strong at this time so it is more than idle speculation. I guess there is always hindsight but Lufthansa should have done something when he took that training break. It is not a big deal for him to have been in the U.S. Besides a lot of training done over here, Lufthansa has their Pilot training school in Phoenix. Back in the day it was at Tucson and then moved at some point. Primarily on account of 363 flying days per year.
In Germany there is a mass news paper called "Bild", and they would have picked up on this info like hyenas. There is nothing about the muslim angle so far in Bild, so I doubt very much it was a factor in this story. The guy was sick and hid it from his employers.


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