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Outrage After Passenger Posts Photos From Cathay Pacific Cockpit

The passenger, Ada Ng, was traveling from Taipei to Hong Kong on Feb.26 but when she boarded, there was no where to sit. "Fortunately the pilot was so nice and even let me sit on the [jump] seat behind him!" The Civil Aviation Department has requested that Cathay Pacific provide an explanation for the incident. ( Más...

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preacher1 15
Why do folks these days feel a need to post their every move. There was a time that we knew when to keep our mouths shut. Besides, I don't think that it's anybody's elses business how many bowel movements I have today
BaronG58 4
So what you're saying is you're not going to post any selfies taking care of today's business?
preacher1 4
nope. LOL
Ric Wernicke 2
It's Swire's airplane, but once the door is closed, it is the Captain that has the final authority, including where anyone sits.

The company being nudged by the security schlemiels. They have little clue how to avoid crimes aboard aircraft, but they do have big ideas about how to trample all over rights of the individual while making travel as burdensome as they possibly can.

There is really no story here, except a "rule" written by a guy with a bad haircut and cheap shoes was broken.
Ivan Blakely 4
It is a pity that today this generates outrage.
In earlier days i often visited the cockpit (including Concorde) and enjoyed a number of landings and takeoffs in the jump seat for. Best ever was a 747 into Heathrow.
KW10001 5
I feel like most of the 'outrage' is coming from the media itself.
Jim Quinn 2
Fired up by sheer jealousy....
shoepuke 2
I remember as a kid being invited to the cockpit on trans-atlantic flights... sad.
preacher1 3
Chalk it all up to 9-1-1 and the reaction.
744pnf 1
Were you the kid in the 'Airplane' movie?
sparkie624 1
And did you have a dog named Rex :)
btweston 2
Did she hijack the plane? No? Did it crash? Oh... Cool story.
sparkie624 1
And it was some pretty Eye Candy... That always makes for the nice star of a day.
chalet 1
The pilot was chastised by the airline and when got home the worst was to come ...........HELL (LOL!!!)
s2v8377 1
I don't see what the big deal is!!! This was not a safety or security issue!!!

I am so tired of everything being a big deal these days!!! I also agree with the comments from others below about the abuse of social media these days.
KW10001 1
I think any man could get lost in those eyes.
Darren Shields 1
It really is a shame. I guess no good deed goes unpunished. I had the good fortune to sit in the cockpit of the Pan Am 747 that returned my unit from Saudi Arabia in 1990. Monaco at night was great and landing at JFK for the fueling stop prior to our last leg to Ft. Bragg was something I'll always remember. The Captain was a real gentleman and welcomed several of us into the cockpit but allowed me to stay there for the majority of the flight. :-) A different time long gone by.......I'm glad there was no social media then to cause problems.
Ken McIntyre 1
No big deal, really. Over the ocean, flight smooth, hours to destination, boredom. Gives the crew something to do.
But, it REALLY gives the media something to do. Harp, bullyrag, pester, annoy, sensationalize, antagonize, harass, etc.
I'm movin' on.
sharon bias 1
I guess I just don't understand the whole "selfie" world. This picture wasn't bad. But do you want your grandkids to see you smoking a bong in 40 years?
btweston -1
What does this article has about as much to do with smoking a bong as it does with reptilian sex acts.

But pot will be legal in 40 years, so I don't think it will be much of an issue.
btweston 2
Editing fail.
paul trubits 1
btweston: 5 years. Like casinos and lottery, too much money in it.
sparkie624 1
Nice Picture... If she was approved to be up there and according to the article she was, what is the problem... I also agree with preacher... Why do people need to post their every move... In my book this is a non event.
Jeff Lawson 1
She was not "approved" according to the article, since "Eligible applicants include Cathay Pacific employees and their immediate family members"

preacher1 1
but it is still a non event
Ken McIntyre 1
Agree. Let Cathay handle it.
preacher1 1
It sounds like she was revenue pax that under normal conditions, would have been bumped. Oh Well
preacher1 1
Well, apparently she wasn't approved by the airline, just the Captain, and therin lies the problem
sparkie624 1
I stand corrected... When I first read the article, I thought she was with the airline... Just goes to show you.. "No good deed goes unpunished."
Jeff Lawson 1
Another option might have been to move one of the other employees into the cockpit jump seat, and give her the employee's seat located outside of the cockpit. The article implies there were other employee-reserved seats that were present and occupied, though it notes that even employees require special screening and authorization to be in the cockpit.
sparkie624 1
After looking at her... I think I may have made the same choice as the captain...
jmilleratp -1
Men's brains turn to mush when women are around! I'm glad that I live in the United States, and that the FAA bans anything like this, cabin jump seats included.
loplo -1
This is why we won't "kiss" jumpseats anymore.
sparkie624 0
anymore! Ugh... Why would you have kissed them in the first place???
loplo 1
Tripreports, pictures and stuff.


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