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NTSB releases report on fatal Boeing 747 crash in Afghanistan

The National Transportation Safety Board released their first public factual report for the ongoing investigation into the April 29, 2013 crash of a National Airlines Boeing 747 at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan. ( Más...

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Colin Seftel 3
The cargo wasn't secured properly, so the lawyers go after Boeing? Doesn't make sense to me.

Jack Foster 5
Ladders sold in retail stores are covered with stupid decals. When you buy a ladder you are paying for them. Will aircraft manufactures need need a couple thousand on each aircraft? Such as: "fuel is required" "do not fly above 50,000 feet. "Hard impact into buildings or mountains may cause damage". And of course "read owners manual before operating"
preacher1 2
Man didn'you see the tail end of the report. The rear unit broke loose and went thru the bulkhead into Boeings VULNERABLE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, rendering them useless. Lawyers will find a door.
matt jensen 1
to be settled out of court
Colin Seftel 5
I read that and I thought it's a bit far-fetched to expect the manufacturer to design for a huge truck on the loose. You may as well sue Boeing because the plane broke up on impact with the ground!
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
By implication, ultimately the engineers/designers will have the final say. Whether in or out of the court ! And that will make sense. Further, tying/fastening securely is not the responsibility of the supplier.
Final say in what, the judgment?
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Final say/opinion about technology/engineering based liability ! The judges/jury in themselves are NOT qualified enough to adjudge any dispute qualitatively. They are only capable to assess on the basis of common sense and law to the extent applicable .
That's why 'experts' are called as witnesses, be they from petitioner/prosecution side or the defense/respondent side.
preacher1 2
No but neither is falling off a ladder but there have been many ladder companies go out of business due to lawsuits from people that have fallen off of them thru no fault but stupidity. As with McDonalds in Florida a few years back, the award was by total cups sold on a given day but the award amounted to about $2.5 million because coffee was hot and they got burned. Duh, coffee is supposed to be hot and you get off the ground on a ladder. It is assumed you will be careful.
Do you have sources for the ladder stuff? I happen to know there's another side to the McDonald's coffee legend, so forgive my skepticism.
preacher1 1
I'll have to dig tomorrow on the Ladder stuff. Post the rest of the story on the McDonalds and we'll look at it in the morning. I'm outa here and to bed. That's how it is with old folks. You also have to understand that Mr. Mittal is a lawyer from India so we go on all the time.
Sleep tight. Here's a perspective on the hot coffee liability:
LOL at the free McDonald's coupons on that page
preacher1 1
To much for here on the ladders. Google "Ladder Lawsuits". There are many pages and you can take your choice.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Lets wait and watch !
preacher1 1
On the serious side, it seems to be not sharing those safety concerns from the other airline and the results of the engineering study. Regardless of whether they made it or not, they will also have some liability on that load system as they approved it. It will be interesting.
MH370 1


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