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Hand luggage liquids ban to be lifted by 2016

Great news for air travellers as new technology revealed that would signal end to ban on liquids larger than 100ml in hand luggage. ( Más...

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preacher1 3
Well, to boot, this is coming out of the U.K. and not sense it will be adopted in the U.S.. There is also the cost, and lack of common sense of the TSA.
Unfortunately, the TSA is still bass ackwards in their thinking to allow this in the US, as they obviously think that, 11 years later, people are still going to pack bombs and explosives in toiletry and milk bottles and shoes.
Charles Smith 2
I traveled from Manchester to Florida about a month ago and I felt that the security in the uk felt more stringent than the TSA did traveling back
Joao Ponces 1
Having travelled a lot from the UK and the USA, I always felt that the UK Security were much worse then TSA, more rude, inhuman, racist, etc! Really outside the limit of human decency! There is no need for that, quite the opposite! this was particularly bad at Heathrow, the WORST Airport I have been to, in human terms! Really shocking!
acra24 2
You obviously travelled through a different airport to me. Perhaps it was you who was rude and inhumane to the staff or is it that you're racist?
Joao Ponces 1
Should I report your comment? It is really appalling! Do I need to specify?
I am sure you aren't even British!
And a coward as you hide behind a nickname
acra24 1
Please do report it. Why is it any more appalling than generalising the entire security staff at Heathrow, most of whom you have never met, as "rude, inhuman, racist, etc.! Really outside the limits of human decency!"
Oh and if you read more comments on this forum you'll see that many writers use an avatar. Are you calling them all cowards? Or do you just have aggressive tendencies?
acra24 1
Is that your new nickname that you're hiding behind?
Joao Ponces 1
You fool! Not new nickname, but my full name! And my REAL photo! do you need my address and phone number?
I am not afraid of fools like you!
acra24 1
Oh dear. If you can't take criticism, which wasn't rude or offensive, then why add comments to a forum on the internet? Take anger management classes, have a cup of tea and calm down before you have a heart attack.
Joao Ponces 1
I can take ANYTHING from my pears! Not from useless people who just know how to destroy! Where are you photos here? Did you ever produce ANYTHING in your life apart from ridiculous babbling?
acra24 1
Oh for goodness sake, calm down. Ok, so I'm not a plane spotter like you. But I am interested in aviation, I do travel widely and use airports a lot. I think generalised statements like yours about an entire airport staff, which are plainly wrong, require a response. You may disagree with my comments but to call me a coward, fool, useless and ridiculous because of that is not really very nice. I have used Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton and Stansted airports dozens of times on my travels across Europe and the staff have generally been efficient, helpful and good natured. Sure you get a few who react badly to idiotic passengers who are rude or awkward but that applies to all countries, doesn't it? Or is it just in the UK? If you are nice to people they are generally nice back. True?
Joao Ponces 1
I absolutely agree with you! Very many times the problem are indeed the passengers.
Having said that, I unfortunately have to keep my initial comment that the staff at Heathrow are particularly bad! As I said, I used it a lot, and have tried to avoid it as much as I could! And for your information, they are not only bad to passengers: My 2nd Son is an Airline Pilot (now Captain) uses Heathrow a lot and complains of the same.
If you read also the reports of other passengers, they will say the same!
And by the way, Gatwick is not so bad, and Stanstead was a delight the few times I used it.
Same as Manchester, etc. So, this is NOT an UK problem, but rather an Airport!
preacher1 1
Ya'll both need to knock it off. Ya'll sound like a couple of young school kids calling names, and yes, I included a group there. Point is, he has done all airports and several at that. He appears to be making a generalized statement. Get over it. Agree to disagree and go away. Otherwise you will be pissed at the whole world when what they say doesn't agree with your thinking. Life is full of disagreements that you cannot change.

acra24 1
How ironic! You post a rant in reply telling us not to keep ranting. LOL.
Joao Ponces 1
Quite right!


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