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F-35C Completes First Arrested Landing Aboard Aircraft Carrier

The F-35C Lightning II carrier variant Joint Strike Fighter conducted its first arrested landing aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) off the coast of San Diego. ( Más...

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Navy65 3
F35? Another TFX! And just another target for the F22. F35 is a waste of the taxpayer's money.
btweston 2
Not bad for a decade and a half.
vanbess 2
JSF may be good for some of the services but the A-10 is still far superior
Jeremy Kudlick 1
Agreed that the Warthog is far superior in CAS, since that's specifically what it was designed for. One-size-fits-all isn't always the answer. Rumor has it that the 35A will be doing its "close" support from above 5000 feet.
KauaiGolfer 1
The F-35, destined to become the next Brewster Buffalo. Unfortunately, our future fighter pilots are going to be sent in harms way once again in second rate equipment. When the paid off flag officers and politicians who approved the procurement of this thing finally die and get to the Pearly Gates, there will undoubtedly be a group of fighter pilots there who will tell them to GO TO HELL!
oowmmr 1
Maybe the F35 will get dialed in sooner than later.

From Seattle w to dallas tx
Jeremy Kudlick 1
Here's a brief article on Business Insider -

Looked like a perfect 3-wire trap to me, but I'm not an LSO.
PilotGuy251 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Lockheed F-35 fighter makes successful aircraft carrier landing

WASHINGTON • The first of two Lockheed Martin Corp F-35C fighter jets landed successfully on the USS Nimitz off the coast of San Diego on Monday, marking the new warplane's first landing on an aircraft carrier using its tailhook system, the Pentagon said.


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