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Excellent Save (Landing in high winds)

A German airplane shocked onlookers as it made a terrifying landing Monday. ( Más...

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linbb 1
Was already posted nice landing just one of those things nothing to get wound up about either.

preacher1 1
Yep, posted 3-4 days ago. Good reason for pilots to FLY THE PLANE. Anticipate and land.
linbb 1
That is the big thing a friend told me, guy by the name of Scotty, C Scott of the Seattle area after wrecking his Beaver in Alaska, flew it until it stopped always do that. Was the oldest active commercial pilot when he passed in his 90s a few years back. Oh by the way he was in his early 80s when that happned.
preacher1 1
Well, a quick check on wx and a good listen to the tower ought to give a good picture of what's going on. If they been gusting to 25 all day and tower is calling calm, I don't know about the rest of the world, but I'd kinda be on guard. You can just never tell about wind. We were leaving house in the car a day or 2 ago and calm as everything. 1/2 mile up the road it came in at about 30mph out of nowhere.
Jarrod Michel 1
funny...somehow missed that one
joel wiley 1
A search on Youtube for Maderia Airport returned 105,000 hits, this included.


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