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DOT: ADS-B Falling Well Short of Promises

The FAA's progress on ADS-B implementation isn't going nearly as well as the agency would like us all to believe, according to a scathing report released yesterday by the Department of Transportation's Inspector General. Despite completing installations of 634 ADS-B ground towers "on time and on budget," the DOT report says the FAA has identified service coverage gaps that will require erecting 200 more towers at an additional cost of $258 million. ( Más...

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Art Geverding 2
I am a user of However there are other "Flight Trackers". Re this ADS-B issue look into - open it - in the upper right "Jump To Area" open Europe.
It is awash in Yellow ADS-B enabled aircraft. Then in the "Jump To Area" select Ocaiania again awash in yellow unlike the US or Canada where I'm typing from. Your thoughts and comments ? - BTW - is my #1 go to site. It provides info that Flightradar doesn't. That said I appreciate what they both do.
preacher1 1
I was told awhile back that FlightAware was putting out some ADS-B receivers at selected points around the country. Don't know any of the details.
Bernie20910 1
I'm one of the stations for that service (KNYG). There's three reasons for what you're observing:
First, ADS-B has been a requirement outside of North America for years now, but is only recently being required here.
Second, colors the targets according to the source of the data, bright yellow for ADS-B (from any source, with the first letter of the station ID telling you the type of station, "T" for ATC and "K" for a private reciever for example) and uses dark yellow only for FAA data (which has a 5 minute delay). FAA does not have data on aircraft outside of North America, so you won't see any dark yellow outside of that region. When the only data you have is ADS-B, then of course it's going to look as you describe. :)
Third, as more ADS-B stations are added to North America (flightradar24 is putting up their own stations where there are gaps but can't simply blanket the country since they are expensive and need someone to host them) you'll see more ADS-B target indications until, at some future point, they drop the FAA data stream altogether and get rid of that 5 minute lag.
Bernie20910 1
I really should refrain from typing under the influence of cold s medication. My station is F-KNYG1 and it's the F designation that marks it as one of theirs.

Bernie20910 1
I have an ADS-B receiver at the house, used to feed "another site" (they own the equipment) and I have noticed that the airlines do seem to be implementing it, it's the Feds who are falling behind.
preacher1 3
Some are already in testing with the FAA in certain quarters. I was told awhile back that DAL was implementing it but weren't near 50% at that time, and that will be the problem. Somebody will do a big bribe, excuse me, lobbying effort, and hardware will change before full implementation required and those already having it installed will have to make last minute change to be compliant. They only thing that will stop that is if the airlines have the latest and greatest already installed. Then the Feds will be forced to go with it rather than succumb to a lobbying effort.
preacher1 1
Had it not been for Quallcomm in the trucking transition, a whole bunch of folks would have been screwed. They did all the work and development on the front end and had 90% of the tracking market anyway, but after all was done and carriers had made a transition, one of the smaller tracking service made a big play on the DOT and almost had a wholesale change made in the hardware requirement until QC really got horsey with DOJ and they backed down. For about 6 months, our drivers had to hold their keyboards up to the window as close as they could and scroll thru for the officers until they got their equipment in that would plug into the computer. To show the stupidity of our government, they went with completely new and redesigned hardware when a simple USB adaptor cord would have mated everything.
preacher1 5
After the experience of going to Elogs and roadside inspections in the trucking industry several years ago, while retired from flying awhile, that was a case of truck lines getting ready but the Feds weren't. The could not even settle on what type portable device to use to hook up to the onboard computer. Most field guys would just write up some dummy citation on the truck line and we would have to defend it later in court. You really can't blame the Airlines for not wanting to make the investment. Some have for what is there now but the hardware on that is apt to change 2-3 times before implementation.


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