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NTSB: Pilots' errors ultimately caused UPS Flight 1354 crash

The pilots continuing with an "unstabilized" approach -- or one not on a constant glide path toward the airport -- is listed as the probable cause of the crash, according to the NTSB. ( Más...

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btweston 1
If you actually read this article and dismiss this accident as pilots simply screwing up, you're reading comprehension leaves something to be desired. These were tired pilots trying to land in the middle of the night on a short runway which was partially obscured by clouds and had a rather large hill just below the glidepath.

Sure, they cut some corners. But why? And would they have cut those corners if they were well rested, landing on a long runway with a full ILS? Would an airliner full of people have been in that situation in the first place? Well, no, given the differences in regulations for cargo and passenger operations.

Changes need to be made.
Bryan Nethery 1
You need to re-read the article before questioning others' comprehension skills. As quoted, NTSB did not find fatigue to be a factor. Your opinion, as well as others', is that it did... wouldn't be the first time someone took exception to an official inquiry. Unless you knew the pilots personally, or had some other piece of profound evidence, it's speculation.
My reading comprehension is always in question. However, it did say the NTSB said that even if these pilots were under the same rules as airline pilots it would have made no difference. Later it mentions UPS pilots schedules as an average od 30hrs/ mo. One pilot off the preceding 10 days and the other off 8 of preceding 10 days. I'm not comprehending something I guess.

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Wasn't making a case one way or the other. I thought I must be missing something as the article seemed to dismiss fatigue. I do get that night work, including flying, has it's own challenges.
jbqwik 1
one more comment: I agree with both of you in that your body never fully adjusts to any night schedule. I personally found the 3-4 am time frame almost impossible.
jbqwik 3
It would be hypocrisy for me to be critical because I'm guilty of similar, at least, to some extent. Obviously got away with breaking procedures. Doesn't make it right, though. Serious lesson here for all.
sparkie624 1
As with any crash, there were multiple causes... Both pilots screwed up and they did not communicate or do there jobs correctly... If the NTSB would have had any other findings as the main cause I would have had some reservations... Hated to see this happen
Gene spanos 1
We pray for those lost in that air crash as well as all others.
UPS left ORD and went over to RFD to help save on landing fees.
Let's hope pilot safety along with community safety are in that mix too.
Jay John 1
Let's be real here. The location, fee, and community safety have zero(0) relevance in the case. Please leave Chicago politics out of this. UPS left ORD (Chicago) almost 20 years ago... Pray but don't Prey

preacher1 1
I wonder how much of that the additional ground cost for that 90 miles will cost them, getting all the stuff out of Chicago area to RFD.
This would be a good customer for the new south side airport. Virtually all the land has been acquired. They just paid $34mil for C56 (the airport Jim Bult built).
Pilots all make mistakes. Sometimes it's a big one.
steve rogers 1
the gws system was not updated ,that didn't help ,I don't understand why ups would not update this unit .

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Bryan Nethery 2
I'm not a pilot, just enjoy reading folks' comments... however, you seem to be reading into the findings something about fatigue that's not there:

"Investigators also spoke about the exclusion of cargo pilots from rules regarding pilot rest that went into effect in January... According to their findings, if Beal and Fanning were covered by those regulations, it would not have impacted the outcome of the crash."

Your personal experience is obviously your own, but don't put words into the mouth of the NTSB investigators.

[This poster has been suspended.]

preacher1 8
It was not a good situation and there are several contributing circumstances. That said, according to the CVR, they were just having a BS conversation rather than paying attention to the approach. Probably back out there a ways they saw the runway lights and were just kinda slopping it in. Hill came up and got them. Had they been paying attention to the landing they would have seen that a few feet below the published would have you dragging. Short, unfamiliar runway should have had attention paid to it. They didn't. Takeoff and landings are what pilots really get paid for and should be on their game during that time. Sterile cockpit rule is in there for a reason. Just my Opinion.


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