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Pilot's artificial arm 'became detached while landing plane'

A pilot lost control of a passenger plane after his artificial arm became detached as he was coming in to land, an accident report has said. The Flybe flight from Birmingham, with 47 passengers on board, was approaching Belfast City Airport in gusty conditions on 12 February. It landed heavily but no-one was hurt and the plane was not damaged. ( Más...

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sparkie624 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Pilot's artificial arm detaches while landing

A British air accident report has recounted how a pilot briefly lost control of a passenger plane after his artificial arm became detached from the control yoke during landing.

The report, published Thursday, said the incident took place as the Flybe flight from Birmingham, carrying 47 passengers, was approaching Belfast City Airport in gusty conditions in February.
des quinn -1
I 4 one would never use FLYBE , it seems to be not up to standards , myself I love to take off & at the end of the flight LAND trouble FREE not LIMB FREE
Viperdoc -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Pilot's Prosthetic Arm Detaches During Flybe Landing

How'd you pass your physical with a prosthetic arm????

chalet 1
Henceforth when flying this airline again I might have to ask the stews if the pilots´ arms and legs are the original ones or what.
des quinn -2
R U joking why was he P.I.C?????
preacher1 1
On the serious side, read the story. Very Sr. Pilot and there was clamp of some type that made it work.
joel wiley 1
That 'reasonable accommodation' is a lot more reasonable that some I've come across.
Cathy Dudley 3
Glad it ended well ... It was armless to all on board
sharon bias 1
This is probably why flight attendants stand in front of the cockpit door. They don't want the passengers to see that the pilots might be missing some parts.
david watson 2
Easy... could fly one those with one arm behind my back.... watch.
chalet 1
And now a 777-300 belonging to India's Jet Airwyas took a 5,000 ft (yes 5 thousand) dive endangering its own passengers and who knows how many other aircraft in the área. What has come the world to, do we now on have to make reservations asking first if their pilots have all of their arms, legs and MINDS in good working order.
chalet 0
Douglas Bader the famous British Spitfire pilot had just one functioning leg and went on to shot down several Luftwaffe fighters, but those were WWI heroics however this is Godawful. Granted people with dissabilities have the right to demand from society a decent job but in this case everyone at this silly airline who hired this pilot should be given a big pink slip, what were they thinking.
yoteun -1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Pilot loses control of airline as prosthetic arm detaches

A British air accident report has recounted how a pilot briefly lost control of a passenger plane after his artificial arm became detached from the control yoke during landing.

The report, published Thursday, said the incident took place as the Flybe flight from Birmingham, carrying 47 passengers, was approaching Belfast City Airport in gusty conditions in February.
n111ma 1
Always leave them laughing :-)
joel wiley 1
Always leave 'em landed.
Shane McCarthy -1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Pilot lost control of plane during landing after fake arm became detached

A captain lost control of a passenger plane after his artificial arm became detached as he was coming in to land
Scott Wisher -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Heavy Landing with a one-armed pilot

I wonder if this has ever happened in the history of aviation. He stayed cool under pressure, prepared for the changes, and made it happen.
n111ma 13
His FO should've definitely given him a hand.
I'm going out on a limb here, but maybe they miscalculated the weight & balance using an arm that was too far forward of the CG datum.
I can't help but find this story a little humerus!
gma92 1
someone should've given him a hand!!!
joel wiley 2
You're just ribbing us of course, right?

[This poster has been suspended.]

joel wiley 1
Amen brother. The comment was a relply to N144ha
bentwing60 1
Don't give up the day job. Haar Haar.
Art Jackson 2
At least a safe outcome. I had a good laugh at the post, as I am sure the captain would also!
preacher1 4
Oh Man!!!!! (g-r-o-a-n)

[This poster has been suspended.]

joel wiley 1
Most likely one or the other. The A/C was a Dash-8 not an airbus.
preacher1 3
Well, as far as the FO taking immediate control, while normally not a factor, that is why he is there. That is why an approach is briefed and the FO is an integral part of everything on the way down
James Middleton -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Pilot's arm detaches mid-flight, causing 'nightmare' landing in Belfast

A pilot has lost control of a passenger plane after his prosthetic arm became detached during landing...


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