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A match made in hell: Air India and Boeing Dreamliner

As of July 21, Air India had welcomed its 16th Boeing Dreamliner into the family. Yet already this year close to 150 Air India Dreamliner flights have been grounded, according to a news report. That’s almost nine groundings per Dreamliner this year. ( Más...

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Allan Bowman 1
People like to use statistics for their benefit instead of providing sound analysis. For example, airlines like to show passenger death's per mile/km flown.This of course, benefits them. For most of the risks to humans the analysis used is death's per hour of exposure to a hazard. What is needed is the most appropriate evaluation of risk rather than one that minimizes or skews the results in favour of a particular industries interest.
steve rogers 1
this is why its such a lousy year for aviation , even if there was 20 crashes a week , it would still be the safest , compared to cars and every other mode of transportation
steve rogers 1
not a good year for aviation .

But nonetheless, aviation is still by far the safest mode of travel, because the industry over the decades studied the problems and successfully applied the lessons learned.


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