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Pentagon’s big budget F-35 fighter ‘can’t turn, can’t climb, can’t run’

Reminiscent of the multi-service F4 Phantom the F-35 is overweight, underpowered. slow and sluggish. It's also expensive and apparently asks too much from its single engine. ( Más...

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bentwing60 7
The old saw that "a camel is a horse designed by committee" comes to mind. I'm not close enough to know who to believe on this one but the cost overruns and numerous groundings gives me pause concerning building one airplane for all missions. That having been said, it's still amazing to me how much freight old Learjets have hauled around and they certainly weren't designed for that. I also believe some of this one source deal rests on the old and venerable Lockheed name and some of the historic products they produced. But Kelly ain't there anymore, and ask any ex German Air Force pilot what he thought about the F-104 and you probably won't need to speak German to recognize foul language.
Thomas Cain 5
I think Obama killed the wrong plane! They should have kept the FA-22 Raptor, and killed this turkey!
JetMech24 1
LOL, you must be republican or conservative, the F-22 was canceled by the senate not the president, with a vote of 58-40.
Thomas Cain 1
No need for insults :LOL: Democrat all the way, yes the Denate ultimately killed it, but it was at the behest of the Secretary of Defense Gates, who lobbied against it and Obama who said he would veto the defense bill if included funding for more F-22's.
matt jensen 1
Glad they kia'd that one too. Shoulda done in the Osprey!
chalet 2
A lemmon is a lemmon, a dog is a dog, a powerful lobbying can make it look like a throughbred of the sky. And us taxpayers keep on lining the pockets of them military contractors with a lot of dough.
The same thing happened with the TFX 50 years ago. Multimission also aand it was canceled
8literbeater 1
I guess nobody in the Pentagon has heard the saying about putting all your eggs in one basket.
Pileits 1
This "thing" looks like an aerial DOG!
matt jensen 2
Maybe the USN needs new anchors for carrier fleet
matt jensen 1
It is - slow and ungainly - won't turn for krap
bbabis 1
Its nothing that another 10,000 lbs of thrust can't fix. It seems so many aircraft, both military and civilian, get built well beyond their engine's capability. Then engine technology improves and by the third or fourth model down the road the aircraft is finally what it always should have been.

jeff slack 1
The government in my country has an order for $35bil of the planes and in in light of all the reports it refuses to postpone or cancel.
Meanwhile health education and welfare here have been cut or in the process of being cut to ribbons.
matt jensen 1
We are getting jammed down our throats too.
CaptainFreedom 1
Canada is doing a rethink on the F35. This is typical for military procurement up here. There's talk of going with Euro fighters or Superhornets. Perhaps we could resurrect the Avro Arrow, or buy some 'just like new' F14s from the Iranians.
matt jensen 1
At least you won't go thru the canopy without opening first. Jeez - please give us the F5!


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