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(Video) Microburst Event at US Air Force Academy Airfield

Amazing video showing the impact of severe wind on some unsecured airplanes ( Más...

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carlos vergara -2
Unnecessary risk, they were lucky, you do not fly into a micro-burst. You dont get kill if you are already on the ground, very bad decision with a lucky result.
TJ Goodin 3
I left the airfield early that day, but from what I understand there was a sailplane on tow which hit a microburst and had to release early and land off field to allow the tow plane to fly out of it. The video shown is the resulting outflow from the microburst which topped out at 55 knots.
The pilots did precisely what was required. Disconnect and exit the area for safety of the cadets. They just happen to be at a standstill at that time.
Tim Swift 3
Thanks for sharing. Impressive. Very scary situation.
David Stark 6
Nobody hurt, no aircraft or ground facility damage. Why do some people (particularly on the YouTube site) think the pilots did something wrong?
WhiteKnight77 3
Some great thinking on the tow plane's pilots part. Fly the plane if it goes airborne, no matter what.
Casey Strickland -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Video: Microburst Event Video at US Air Force Academy Airfield on 4/23/2014

Look at just how dangerous microbursts can be. Always remember to be on the lookout for significant weather when flying.
Jim Bauer 1
Just to let me understand, were those planes _unmanned_ and unsecured? Or, were there pilots on board who had to react to the sudden microburst??
Bill Schmiett 7
The cubs were about to tow sailplanes and props were turning. Smart pilots disconnecting from the tow line. Some pretty good reactions to the situations too!
Jim Bauer 3
thanks! that makes more sense than what I first thought. great reactions for sure.
Robert Lewis -9
Wow, that seems like a lot of unnecessary risk.
RECOR10 10
So, what would you have wanted them to do?

randomguy 2
Looks like they got themselves some new UAVs
Micah Serles 1
That is pretty crazy!
sharon bias 3
Bet some some air cadets needed clean underwear. Best they learn the power of wind before they're in some billion dollar airplane.
BaronG58 1
Saw this happen to a C150 many years ago at Scholes Field in Galveston, Texas.
Ben Busby 2
Pretty amazing!!


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