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Piggyback B-17 Bomber

The amazing story of a World War II pilot, Capt. Glenn Rojon, whose B-17 bomber collided in mid-air with another B-17 and became locked to it in piggy-back fashion. The pilot kept control to allow crew members to bail out then he and his co-pilot guided the crippled craft to a crash landing that destroyed both planes, but they survived with no major injuries! Warbird legend, Bill Harrison tells the story. ( Más...

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jbqwik 7
..the selfless sacrifice and bravery of our veterans deserves special respect and national appreciation, hopefully never to be forgotten.
joel wiley 2
That is something Congress should keep in mind when the budget for the VA comes up.
Just sayin'
Gene spanos 6
For my grandfather SSGT. Paul Roberts, US Army Air Corps,
WWII, KIA, Dec 25th 44, Lead plane, Blond bombshell B-17G, Low flight that day
shot down while on his 23rd mission. Never got to meet him!
RIP sir !
sparkie624 4
Fantastic story... thanks for sharing... Our Military and our Veterans needs more respect than so many give them. I salute each and every one of them, and every one of you who has served.
preacher1 1
Where is the story? FLYING's page comes up but no story.

jbqwik 1
it's a video. Try another web browser?
preacher1 1
Well, I was expecting a story as it was from WWI; I'll get it later. Tks
sparkie624 1
WWII actually... Well worth the time to watch.
usad 1
Preach, try it again and just give it a lot longer to load up. Several items (pictures mainly) on that Flying page are loading at the same time as the movie is buffering. If your bandwidth is average to slow, they have to finish loading before the player will kick off in some instances.

Hope you get it to go as it is well worth the effort.
preacher1 1
10-4, I'll do that and slow ain't the name for my bandwidth. All I got down here is 1.5 DSL. Sad part is, until about 4 years ago, we still had dial up, and no fiber run coming my way. LOL.
usad 1
That's definitely the problem then. You can scroll down the page and watch the syrup slow loading of the pictures and when the last one of many fills in, a few seconds later the movie will start. You might have time to make some popcorn in the microwave! :)
preacher1 1
LOL. tks


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