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Sikorsky Wins $1.2B Contract for Next Generation Presidential “Marine One“ Helicopter

The Sikorsky VH-92 to become next generation "Marine One" Sikorsky Aircraft Co. has a long history with the U.S. Department of Defense and the President of the United States. Every U.S. President — starting with Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1957 — has flown aboard a Sikorsky helicopter ( Más...

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Aaron Donnelly 7
It has nothing to do with who the President is! I doubt President Obama has anything to do with ordering helicopters. If the helicopters need to be replaced, then they need to be replaced. Really what matters is that at least their buying American made helicopters.
preacher1 0
Well, the bankrupt country is a big part of it but, that said, in these tight money times, we look at every expenditure. These helicopters and AF1 may all need replacing and that is not really the President's doing. It is just happening on his watch and there is an attitude of "we've always done it this way because that's the mission." As per some comments below, maybe we need to look at the mission. Several years ago, our city brought in a new city manager, and as the 1st budget was being prepared, he told all department heads to go to a zero based budget, not just take last year's and add to it. They did and he wound up with 3 million $ or so less than the year before with all increases that everybody wanted. Is it to much to ask that our folks in power do the same?
Jeremy Kudlick 2
Yes. Yes it is.
Jason Feldman 1
I sent you an email, did you get it?
preacher1 1
Yeah, I sent you one back. Matter of fact 2. FA had and old Email (gmail) for you and I just clicked that link. It returned and I used the new one in your Email. Not sure what day but same day you sent it.Let me know if you didn't get it and I'll resend
Jason Feldman 1
nope, nothing - and I do have gmail. I must have erased that email because I just tried finding your info and I couldn't find it. This is bizarre.
preacher1 1
is the gmail or the icloud the correct one. Your Gmail is what returned. The icloud was on your Email to me that I replied to.
Sam Turner 4
Four years ago I became a member of FlightAware thinking it was an aviation website.
Silly me.
preacher1 2
Hang in there, it'll come back
WithnailANDi 1
Aircraft are controlled by people. People have lives. I don't understand why people get sideways when discussions spread out to include areas and topics surrounding the aircraft in question. It would be incredibly boring if people just commented using tail numbers and replacement part codes. It's the personal experiences and opinions of the aviation fans that make this place fun... not just the existence of aircraft.
WithnailANDi 2
If you cut enough little crap, you get fertilizer. 8-)
preacher1 4
Didn't we fight this battle a few years back and Obama backed it off on account of the outcry over the price, and this also included an RFP for a new AF1. Seems to me that the situation is still about the same. I doubt if AF1 has half the cycles/hours on it as a civilian counterpart and there are 2 of them. I can't understand why they have to have 21 helicopters to boot. A billion here and a billion there adds up after while. If you cut enough little crap, you soon have big savings.
Aaron Shipley 5
It takes more than one helicopter. Some are down for maintenance and upgrades, some are as backups or getting minor service done, and some are in use. Three helicopters are used to transport the President and staff so that 2 serve as decoys, so think about when the President makes a trip anywhere outside Washington. Three (or more if they need one or two backups in case of equipment failure) helicopters are transported on freight aircraft to his destination. Three (or more if backups needed) are in DC to lift the President from the White House to Andrews Air Force Base to get in on Air Force One. Two AF1 planes fly him to his destination (one as a backup) where there are three helicopters to lift him from the airfield to wherever he is going if they aren't using a motorcade. Count that up and that means they need about 10 helicopters operational at any given time just to do routine transport.

As for AF1? Yes, the planes have low cycle counts and immaculate maintainence done on them. But they are still getting old and parts are getting more expensive to buy for old planes. There will reach a point that it is more cost effective to buy new planes with lower operating costs than to keep the old ones in service.
preacher1 0
Just FYI, unless it is International, the AF1 backup does not go. AF1 came by LIT this week single, and the 3 choppers were at the Air Base waiting his arrival.
JetMech24 2
AF1 back up is always within at most 60 minutes of the primary, regardless of if its international or not, it will not ever be at the same airport.
skylloyd 1
yeah, but it won't be 47 back-up.
Aaron Shipley 0
Ah, OK. That makes sense. I do believe that there is *SOME* form of VIP transit that accompanies POTUS when he uses AF1 to fly domestic. As I recall Bill Clinton's primary AF1 got stuck in the mud on the side of the taxiway at CMI and the second 707 was quickly brought in to retrieve him. Maybe one of the spare Air Force Gulfstream jets is nearby when a 747 is used to move Obama somewhere in America.
canuck44 -3
21 would not be too many for this guy...He, Reggie and one golf partner to the course, two more to transport secret service, back up for each and the decoy. Another one to fly Mooch to Andrews to load up for next vacation on the taxpayer using either the AF version of the 757 or 737. Mother can ride with her but kids get one, secret service needs two more. Then there is the hairdresser, speech writer, personal secretary, press secretary, thugs to keep press away. Back ups and decoys required. Rest of entourage of 75 driven by limo. Two more at destination delivered by C-17. Before you know it they will need to ask back the four test birds because they didn't order enough.
preacher1 1
Well, according to the story, they will get the 4 test birds at some point. Maybe it's time we rethought the whole presidential security thing, then again, maybe it's just the utter disdain that everybody has for the flagrant abuse.
JetMech24 1
For this guy? He wont even see them, even if they are completed on time.
Vern Schulze 5
Clearly some Obama haters expressed in the comments below. Too bad they can't read. These helicopters will not even be delivered until 2020. Unless the President figures out a way to change the Constitution, these will be only be available at the end of the next presidents term.

canuck44 1
I understand English as a second language is tough but if you look at the verb tense in the first sentence it extrapolates current usage into future planning as a sarcastic reply to Wayne. In fact there have times when high utilization has stressed the current availability. Likewise if you know anything about rotary wing operation a lot of maintenance hours are devoted to support every flying hour...which would be doubled for flying any president around. We didn't even look at the Presidential dogs...the four footed ones.
BaronG58 -4
Obama has ignored the Constitution since day one. Why would he not use his pen and cell phone in this situation.
Great! How much did this cost US to cancel the old order then place a new order?
Aaron Shipley 1
I think the old VXX replacement helicopter program had costs ballooned to $14 billion for 28 helicopters because there was SO MUCH STUFF added to the program: secure communications gear, anti-missile defenses, NBC gear, etc. Wiki says that SECDEF Gates cancelled the program after nine aircraft had already been built at a cost of $600 million each.
stevensoap 2
I worked at the Test Hangar when those first five or so "HilleryHawks" showed up. I say that Lockheed Martin had a lot to do with the contract negotiations being "fixed" and the Sikorsky S92 should have won that contest. The Canadians have several of those VXX (Augusta built I think) airplanes and the tail rotors were so apt to failure that the entire test program was way behind schedule and way over cost. I think Canada had like 35 of the airframes and only enough parts to keep 5 or 6 in the air. Bad tail rotor design was the bottom line. If an real investigation was made of that first deal I think Lockheed Martin would be shown to be the crooked bastards they are!

Just my personal opinion.

BTW I was a government Flight Test employee not contractor affiliated.
preacher1 0
Lockheed's reputation is well deserved but they just have better lobbyists than the rest.
Since when did facts ever get in the way of an anti-Obama post? Add up the vacations of the past 10 Presidents and first is "W", followed by old Ronnie, "we don't need no damn air traffic controllers"Raygun. Still let's jump on Obama because he is for the little guy.
preacher1 1
Yep, and he's a lying little guy too. I expect he'll be picked on til he's gone, Wes. He's a little more blatant than his predassessors and I think that is what makes him such an easy target, among many other things.
josh homer 1
Exactly Wesley. It's incredibly hypocritical that when Bush and co were allowed to spend us into bankruptcy, with NO peep from Fox or their followers. He starts a war based on lies, had 13 Benghazi's, multiple intelligence failures, outing a CIA agent, THOUSANDS of Americans dead.....but BENGHAZI!
james pomerville -3
The problem with his vacations are that him and his wife spare no expense when they travel ,( and they needlessly travel separately lots of times.) The number of vacations taken are on par with his predecessors ,,But the expense levels are thru the roof.
Jason Feldman 1
I am as patriotic as the next guy - but what does it say when our president has to be so isolated from the rest of us? In other nations, even those with nuclear arsenals, fly commercially to get from point A to point B. I think this isolation and protection makes it a lot easier to do very unpopular things. It kind of reminds me of Thomas Jefferson “A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny!”

How can government be afraid of it's citizens when they hide from us, and get all their financial backing from large corporations and a small handful of extremely powerful individuals. Who represents the people?

Yes, I know, we must always use the excuse of "terrorism" or "national security" - and some of those concerns are valid... but these days everything is labeled "top secret" or "terrorist" or "threat".

Maybe forcing the POTUS (and others like Nancy Pelosi) to fly commercially is the right thing to do!
preacher1 2
Good Morning. How you doing these days?
Jason Feldman 1
Sorry I was gone for a while- The last two months have been absolute torture. I was in bed in agony for 23 hours a day every day for 60+ days.

Doctors are now considering installing a pain pump to squirt morphine directly into my spinal column - inside my flesh... it's not something you can ever get off of and I don't want to do it. The doctors are so pushy and they have a lot of power over you.

I don't have any options in my situation - only one pain management doctor I am allowed to see (unless I can pay 2000 per visit out of pocket plus the cost of medication which i cannot.

But today was a great day - I was up and moving for a couple hours. I am very weak and my muscles are atrophying. I try to stretch a bit - but this pain - it's like a dagger is literally stick in my back and twisting around - it's horrific.

I hipe I have more days like today - and I hope to get better finally
preacher1 1
Sometimes the pain can override even the best day. You probably couldn't fly but it might be worth it to be pain free. idk. I have basically retired a 2nd time now. My guaranteed money stopped on 4/1. They are going to keep me current up there and there may be some actual fill in to cover a few vacations or such, but that's it. I'll hit 65 in November anyway, and unless they lift the age again, the ATP will go away. I'll probably hang on to a commercial for awhile after that. That 1500 hr/ATP rule won't affect me as that is a 135 operation and it only applies to the 121's. Get to feeeling better. We'll toss up a prayer.
Jason Feldman 1
I assumed you were a 20,000 hour pilot! LOL

you have a lot of wisdom - and are a good person to argue points with. People wrongfully think that an argument is a fight, no, it's just bouncing ideas back and forth. It's fun to be devils advocate and explore things from all sides. This site sure is a great place to get different ideas from people - so many different backgrounds and levels of experience.

Congrats on the retirement. Now move aside old man and make room for a college graduate LOL

Seriously though- I need to talk to you on the phone about something- or via email - how do we exchange info without posting it here? HMMMM lets look

preacher1 1
There is an Email but it will only work on a user name unless they have changed it. You could send to me on it but Idk if it would let me reply or not. I know
I couldn't make a direct send to you. Go to it and send me your regular Email and we'll go from there.
Go to DISCUSSIONS, then click on NO NEW MESSAGES and it will bring up the format. Pretty much self explanatory rom there. It doesn't send an alert or anything but I'll check it later in the day.
WithnailANDi 1
Hey, here's hoping you're feeling better soon!
Since when did facts ever get in the way of an anti-Obama post? Add up the vacations of the past 10 Presidents and first is "W", followed by old Ronnie, "we don't need no damn air traffic controllers"Raygun. Still let's jump on Obama because he is for the little guy.
David Burke -1
The whole Presidential Travel detail has gotten way out of control. WEBINAR!!
preacher1 1
That is a possibility. The secret service doesn't want to lose another President though, so how much is too much. There is bound to be a hole in there somewhere that cannot be planned for. To a degree, it is more of a deterrent than anything. They lost Kennedy though and after attempts on Ford and nearly a success on Reagan, where do you draw the line? Back to the original question, How Much is too Much?
BeechSportBill 0
...they also evidenty have several V-22 Ospreys painted in US Marine 1 colors - seen at Arlington Washington, during Obama's 'visit to OSO' publicity stunt...
Those are not 'white tops' used for Presidential transport as Marine One but rather 'green tops' used to support Presidential transport (ie Secret Service, press, staff & equipment). The V-22's replace the CH-46 Sea Knights and CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters that previously filled that role.
Zany4God 0
I couldn't really discern the design of the proposed helicopter, but is sure looks like a highly modified H-53.
BaronG58 -3
I feel the concern is we are a bankrupt country. Everyone on this site that has a few bucks left over after obligations has a higher net worth than our country. Question is do we really need 21? Could we get by with 15? This is where leadership arrives and ask these questions. Problem we have is this administration is comfortable with I.O.U. business plan.
Er.A.K. Mittal -3
By Obama ? Yes.
But for Obama ?
Definitely NO !


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