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A Matter of Taste: Noise, Tomato Juice, and the Science of In-Flight Meals - Why Passengers Hate Airline Food and What Can Be Done About It

Think of your last airline meal. Would you be able to describe it, or was it so bland and unmemorable that you’d be hard pressed to identify it as being chicken or beef? In-flight meals have long been fodder for standup comics. While asking “what’s the deal with airline food” may seem like a setup for a Jerry Seinfeld monologue, the question has warranted serious study by both scientists eager for an empirical answer and airlines eager to entice their best customers into expensive first- and… ( Más...

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WithnailANDi 3
Funny... this same story was squawked a couple of weeks ago, and it got mega negative votes. Now, same story has 5 positive votes. Seems like it's not just up in the air where tastes change!
WithnailANDi 2
As far as airline food goes... I was a flight attendant, and I can assure you that airline food tastes like caca whether you're in the air or on the ground!
BaronG58 2
Add Vodka and tomato juice taste even better at any altitude.
Mark Duell 1
Why the link shortener? It's yet another FBT story
Chris B 1
Weird. The only time I drink Tomato juice is on an airliner......
boughbw 1
I've wondered about these things, too. When I'm flying, I'm wondering why ginger ale doesn't out-sell Coke and Pepsi.

Jake Wythe 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

New Research Explains Why We Drink Tomato Juice Only While Flying

Think of your last airline meal. Would you be able to describe it, or was it so bland and unmemorable that you’d be hard pressed to identify it as being chicken or beef?
In-flight meals have long been fodder for standup comics. While asking “what’s the deal with airline food” may seem like a setup for a Jerry Seinfeld monologue, the question has warranted serious study by both scientists eager for an empirical answer and airlines eager to entice their best customers into expensive first- and business-class seats.
On a recent flight, you might have noticed that quite a few of your fellow passengers ordered tomato juice with their meals. You may have done so yourself, but unless you’re a health faddist, you probably don’t drink it at home.
Somehow, tomato juice tastes more refreshing at 30,000 feet, and it may be the same reason that what should taste like Beef Stroganoff at that height, tastes more like soggy cardboard instead.


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