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Flying dog earns her crew card!

Callie, a chocolate lab from Bedfordshire England, earned her AOPA card after clocking up 50000 miles in a Cessna! ( Más...

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dmanuel 2
With so much airtime, I wonder if Callie's owner can give some assessment if her hearing has been impacted. We take our dogs on flights, in unpressurized SEL aircraft, with dB levels ranging from 88-93. We have bought both of the major brands of dog hearing protection. In spite of the promotion material, neither have resisted the dogs ability remove them.
Thus, I am reticent to subject them to frequent flights and on-line searches and veterinary consults have not provided concrete-verifiable data.
sparkie624 1
Maybe she wore Head Phones or hearing protectors... LOL

joel wiley 1
Secured with an ace wrap
sparkie624 1
Congrats to Callie.


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