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Preliminary Report on Malaysia 370 (1 May 2014)

At 01:38 hours Malaysian Time1 (MYT) on 8 March 2014 (Saturday), a Boeing 777- 2H6ER, registration 9M-MRO,and call-sign MH 370 with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board, was reported missing after passing waypoint IGARI2 while en-route from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China. ( Más...

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Claudia Santos 3
Folks! I still wonder why aircraft manufacturers like Boeing, Airbus, even our Embraer (Brazil) and many others don't come out with a new device - there is plenty of technology for that - to send all inflight recordings to an inland facility (each airline company would have its own) and retain it for at least 24 hours after flight is concluded. It would save so much in so many aspects. I believe that is something that would make a great difference when it comes to a flight casualty.
Brazil on line.
matt jensen 2
Boeing has one it just may not have been installed on this jet
Margaret Rivers 1
Insurance! Insurers of the airline and aircraft should require it, of charge the airline out of business. Simple risk management.
it starts with Pilot selection.SWISSAIR eg no political engagements,only Officers of SwissArmy, only noble Guys with language culture,education,as soon as some one becomes"KUCKOOK"and/or strange they turnlose of him ,before something odd happens,of course,a lot ofmobbings got established that way =riskmanagement.
Also the LUFTHANSA eg.reconfigered the incapacitation toggle Switch from Boeing and
emphasized Captain decides for life and death over the F/O If MAS has the Boeing toggle switch , i am sure one or the other pilot clicked it, strapping the alledged incapacitated airmen back into his seat not to touch anything anymore=one man cockpit operation.
preacher1 1
Wow, who do you fly for cause I don't think I want you on the pointy end. You may be a hell of a pilot, but that imagination is too far out of reality to suit me.
AWAAlum 1
preacher1 1
I think there is plenty of technology out there, both from Boeing and others. The big question right now is not only the bandwidth required for such but who would pay for it. Just as a for instance, MAL did not subscribe to the RR service for engine monitoring, which would have at least given a last known location.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Who will pay ?
Obviously ordinary johnnies like me , the poor helpless passengers !
preacher1 0
yep, but they won't subscribe to any of it unless it's mandated where everybody will have to do it and they can pass it along.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Dear friend, Claudia Santos, well said, and remember the old saying
'Necessity is the mother of invention'.
And all new products and services are created on the same basis. It will be just a matter of time when nav-aids will be improved for such a seamless tracking !
On mandatory basis.

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preacher1 -1
Other point too is that there is no need for such a thing until one goes missing. How many thousand flights in a day go off as routine. Until it is mandated by some authority, the cost probably can't be justified.

sparkie624 1
It would be very expensive, and the file storage would be very large. To connect a data path a large enough for ALL the planes to transmit ALL the time would be huge.
Er.A.K. Mittal 2
Lines from the report
Safety recommendations
It is recommended that the International Civil Aviation Organisation examine the safety benefits of introducing a standard for real time tracking of commercial air transport aircraft.

This and many more in variety may be necessary to be developed and deployed.
On mandatory basis.
wx1996 4
It is very difficult to make something mandatory when the crew does not want to be tracked.

Do you really want a device on the aircraft where the crew cannot pull the circuit breaker to shut it down when it malfunctions and starts to smoke etc? I would not want to fly the ETOPS limit to land with a smoking, burning, cannot be accessed, or disabled, mandatory device. As devices malfunction and need to be shutdown daily on some flight. However, since they can be disabled, accessed, and turned off it is not a major problem. I would not want to explain to, that there is a fire in the mandatory security tracking device that cannot be turned off or accessed with a fire extinguisher; we hope to land in about 3 hours.

There is plenty of room for improved tracking. But when someone does not want to be tracked/seen/found it is a difficult problem.

The solution, from the aircraft prospective must be passive. Otherwise is can always be defeated.
PhotoFinish 2
Just because you don't allow the pilot(s) to disconnect the tracking ability mid-flight, doesn't mean the device couldn't be put in an area with automatic fire-supression.

The Ethipian plane that caught fire at Heathrow has an ELT that is in an area without automatic fire suppression, as are many plane in service today. You should be as concerned about those electronic devices with batteries in areas without fire suppression. It was lucky the Ethiopian plane was on the ground when the ELT went up in smoke and fire. I'd hate to imagine how it would've tuned out if the plane were inflight when the fire started.

Some polite are putting too much emphasis on thR concept of turning off a future device, but seem not to show any concern whatsoever about existing devices that are in nearly all airliners today that would seem to he much more serious a threat.
preacher1 2
There should not be anything on a plane that the crew could not disable or fire suppress. That said, it may evolve over time but there is a BIG existing fleet out there right now and no one could afford a retrofit.
PhotoFinish 1
The existing fleet already needs to be retrofited to at least install fire suppression for all battery operated electronic devices such as ELTs. It matters little if the pilot can disconnect that circuit that charges the device if it is engulfed in flames and inaccessible. Without fire suppression installed, that plane will go down in a short time.
preacher1 1
yep; i.e. the Ethiopian 787 on the ground at LHR a while back. Had that been in the air and full of pax, it is doubtful he could have gotten down in time without another catastrophic event.
PhotoFinish 1
The existing fleet already needs to be retrofited to at least install fire suppression for all battery operated

[This poster has been suspended.]

AWAAlum 2
The word is drivel, not dribble, so take care of how you talk, get a life and live in the real world. Another thought - I'm relatively certain no one has made you spokesperson declaring all of us sick and laughing at a post. That's your decision and yours alone.
Michael Troop 2
well put
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Crew ?
Engineers will take care of problems as and when they arise. That's their job. It's not for the pilots/crew's to worry about.
Engineers make plane but don't fly them. And pilots don't make planes but fly them.
And that's how life goes on.
No ?
YES, all such things will come about after long and careful discussions.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Er.A.K. Mittal 1
brett goodwin, you may be abs right. But every rule and regulation needs review. And that is same of technology.
And even social values !
Leighton Elliott 1
Nothing new here folks, move along, move along.
Tim Laursen 1
Bad investigation by the locals.

As a european citizen, i would ask NTSB to handle this.
preacher1 2
They should have asked somebody to do it from day one and maybe they wouldn't have lost 2-3 weeks time. Then again, maybe it was on purpose, depending on the theory you believe.
sparkie624 3
Probably on purpose... I think they are covering things up... Like sending out edited transcripts... Converted to Chinese and then converted back to English... BS.. English is the universal language in the world for aviation.. No conversion necessary for anyone and that is why it is universal.

Not to mention, they changed part of it, seemingly very conveniently. I wonder how much is out there that no one outside of Malaysia knows?
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Wake up Tim Larsen, the investigation has long sine become a global concern !
Perhaps from day 2 .
matt jensen 1
Bangladeshi navy has sent four ships to search the Bay of Bengal. More news to follow as the 18th unsuccessfull underwater search off Perty-Broome continues.
blueashflyer 1
As surprising as it was that the missing pilot had a huge flight simulator setup at his apartment...what about when I go missing and the investigators find out I've got DanceDanceRevolution set up at my place. Weird...
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
It will be assumed that switching the a/c to AP, you put yourself in 'DDR' (DanceDanceRevolution) mode some where in the a/c !
No ?
preacher1 0
Dee Lowry 1
I think the Malaysian government knows a lot more...and they're not putting the information out! Could it be that they feel they would lose face? Again...possible culture disfunction. Look at Asiana. Maybe someone did blow it out of the sky but I have this feeling that there was a third party in the Cockpit and created a catostophic event. Just something to "noodle" on.
AWAAlum 1

The National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (Nufam) has confirmed that there were 10 cabin crew members and two pilots onboard flight MH370, which lost contact with air traffic controllers early this morning.
mH370 HAD ONE F/E off duty,needed maybe "needed" rposition to Beijng .TheCockpits holds 4 . In Emergency Off duty pilots find their way into the cockpit,Any Captain would fill the 4 seats to handle an Emergency,if tracers are fired at Your left window,almost hitting the airplane,You turn away , and go 121.500 "interceptors,Identify yourself,this is MH370,the Captain"
AWAAlum 1
Is your name in real life Buzz Lightyear?
Dee Lowry 1
Okay. But I don't know about foreign country airline regulations about "On-Line or Off-Line Crew Members hopping a free ride, in the Cockpit to a destination. Maybe a commute? At UAL the Flight Crew and Cabin Crew knew who was on that aircraft. We receive a manifest and match up total pax on board, babies, handicapped, pax w/ weapons, pax who are on Oxygen...I could keep on going but we knew who was on board that airplane. Maybe Malaysian Airline has a policy that is not as stringent as the US carriers. I personally feel that there is critical information that the government of Malaysia knows and they are not or have been forthcoming. It's very the family members and to be honest with you...I'm not going to play cards with "Nufam".
I think the whole Flight Crew were oblivious. As a Flight Crew member, and a member of AFA...the whole crew needs to be on the same page...We are a Team and Work like a team. I feel that Malaysian Air was disfuctional as far as who is who on the aircraft. "Fake Passports"? There is a major discrepancy here. Why is the government holding back?
AWAAlum 1
You're asking unanswerable questions. I believe most everyone thinks something is amiss with what's being released to the public, but whether or not Malaysian Air was dysfunctional regarding souls on board, I'm not feeling quite as certain. I'm of the belief there is likely a lot of misinformation and withheld information connected with most disasters, air disasters included.
because the main purpose was ,to get rid of piolitical opponent Capt Shah!They fired athim not less than 5 times. 2 of 5 timeswehave Eyewitness who observed the fireworks on the nightsky. The hijack/policeforce abuse commands/demands got to the captain over ACARS ,The lie is: Shah turned of the ACARS. They hope nobody will ever reconstruct the texting,part of it already came out: Waypoints IGREX VAMPI IGARI and Airway P628,to lay a false lead. SITA in Pretoria has complete textings ,they better release rapidly !
AWAAlum 1
May I ask - where are you getting this seemingly classified information when no one else has? Are you actually saying they would shoot down a plane full of people to rid themselves of one man? Bah!
AWAAlum 1
Oh, and I neglected to mention and may be important, the article was released by the Union, not the airline.
Jiakang Xie 1
Doesn't Malaysia has multiple RADAR stations? How many staff are paid to watch their skies? In the end Malaysian government and Air Force gave an incomprehensive answer: yes we saw a plane flying over our country on an unusual route, AFTER civilian RADAR/communication system lost track of MH 370. Yet, it was deemed that this plane is not hostile so we did not follow it. This is insane and the officer in charge should be court marshaled. For all that we know, the plane was drastically changing direction/altitude. It might well be on the way to the twin towers or the capital city, or a military base for crashing. This government and Air Force is nuts. Some should come out and apologize and resign.
@Jiakang Xie . This Goverment is more than corrupt,they allow political moves ,open fire at Shah,intimitate him, drive him up to 49000 and shut a tracer into the capin to "dump the cabin"create thick fog,freeze everybody and sufocate most of the occupants.Like sleepwalking -they were sleep-flying ,following a different escfort fleet who tried to savMH370 in the Maledive at 06.30.They need to come forward now,also all Celltower companies in Maledives and in Georgetown,also the witness receiving the cellcall with Caller ID and time chjeck 01.55 and/or 06.25 .
AWAAlum 1
Mr. Giger: I fear your computer may be malfunctioning. It would appear your intended FlightAware posts are crossing with that fictional adventure novel you're working on.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
I guess the following will be a useful supplemental info that may help the hind sight wisdom !
" First MH370 report details confusion in hours after flight was lost "
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
My apologies , the link for the above is[email protected]&YM_MID=1463962&sfvc4enews=42&cl=article_1
The report is non-substance worthless"give-aways". Consider this: The Interceptorjets fired garbes of tracers,that glow at lower altitudes and observers in katalan and on an oilrigg report what they believe they saw,burning aircraft parts..Her is what happened,B777 passed by a cell tower TELCO Georgetown one witness in Bejing hat time check and callerID and was able to hear, what Capt Shah reported to his Cabincrew (and any Passanger)"we are escorted by fighterjet(s)". We will find out ,if Langkawi Tower had received orders to shut the RWY lighting system OFF.They're turning tables,they report "Capt Schah thrown passanger around like a fighterjet";but, it is was the other way around : "Fighterjet(s) have thrown the B777 around. Up and down 49000 and 1000 you are an abnormal healthy person,if you can still talk,hear,see after the loud cabin diff.exceed -GONG Pangs "D O N G"(without previous briefing,compare B777 Passenger briefing card !) ",...this for weeks,it is a severe suffocation. Another bad lie needs to come out,rapidly:Capt Shah was made to turn off his transponder ,else they threaten based on these warning shots,to eliminate him.Another very important highly incriminating lie:The say Capt Shah turned OFF the ACARS texting system. No they blanked out what Schah typed and lied "he did not answer anymore" .Avoiding Singapore radar Thai radar (w/o success)indicates 121.5Mhz was avoided in the interception and updriving to 49000 maneuver.Capt Shah was politically engaged in the one partysystem there and had reasons to believe it was about him,especially if these intrigants did not have the courage to explain him the true reason of interception and the reason for escorting into open sea. If ditching was an order, Capt Schah would have held of (also held of with jetsonning considerations) and fly east towards daylight, his fuel was enough to make well coordinated, near land Sullenbeger glassy water landing.MH370 was escorted out NW-bound ,maybe he tyed to return to Malaysia zig zag maneuver,or shake them off ,avoid getting hit by a missile !!!,anyway he made it into hands of attentive US radarmonitoring (over the horizon radar systems >1670milesn and further,maybe naval assisted range extentions ; Israel invented this 1968 or so ,USING vhf). Back to the straights of Malakka,
So US had to take it from there.Everybody in the aIR ,MARITIME AND ON GROUND dials in 121.500 at the latest when something is going on there.Malaysia Air-Police exerting Forces intentionally avoided public knowledge / search for as long as 4 HRSMany times something is going on on 121.500, especially emergency in oprogress,everybody is ready and willing to assist,its amazing, and here a group of thugs in UNIFORM and/or elected in a one party system, managed to call yuponmurphie'slaw and have 239 Souls vanished and a nice first quality B777ER . Thai Officers heard everything on 121.5MHZ but not ACARS texting,chances are it says there "Capt Shah , when you return into Malaysia,You will be engaged ,same as Thailand and Singapore,they will engage you and you will bear the consequences!" Americans had the escort duties on hand and shared this with France to evaluate Landing/ditching near (e.g.)India, St Denis or even Madagascar.To me a calculation to reach sunrise would have to be considered too(JUST FLY -east,SHUT ONE ENGINE DOWN-use the fuelacrossed,longest endurance - speed single engine). Cockpit visual inspection, probably inresponsive for "show your cockpit interior lights",pretty much irresponsive in many respect,"if you hear me squakIDENT " If some one does not know he/she cannot hear anymore,he/she cannot talk either,in most of the cases. A speech impeadment kickes in, on 123.45MHZ a MAS Captain heading for Japan that night got only mumbling at best as a respionse when challenge "what's going on"
The thinking capability extremly slow, A RWY landing was planed in GAN and MALE but failed both destinations ,so MH 370 had to go on with their odyssee,anyway,
those escorts have to come forward and please explain to us how and where the
earth/water contact was made. We are not in an open war,we are, like always, in the war against criminality.
ps.: Maybe it was indeed about Schah and the 2 fake passports just used as a pretense, on every intl. flight to Frankfurt before noon ,about 4 to 6 persons arrive with "no travel Document" Trash collectors in Frankfurt make good side money
by recycling them.So we have to lookn into this:was it political,intra Malaysia(one party democracy!)politics played out here on the backof innocent people and the 2 babies.
Many Airline Companies do not accept politicaly inclined Flight Candidates.
On top of that ,weak character are seeked,here in Florida JETBLUE eg. requires you before hiring to agree to do light cabin cleaning!(see careers requirements,in their website 2010/2011)A shame for our profession a shame for OUR industry and social status.
It is critical decision ,the selections,just as is eg.Colonels,Commanders,admirals
and Generals
sparkie624 1
The report is nice, but still leaves a lot of blanks unfilled that probably will be many years down the road if ever to be filled.
Martin Haisman 1
Nothing new from the report just facts to date. As per the safety recommendations it has been put to the ICAO as a group of experts in aircraft design and associated tracking systems have to be assembles and put out for review.

Yes there are reasons systems have to be able to be disabled, or on circuit breakers etc. but not being a avionics expert, or have knowledge of aircraft broadcast systems, or know about satellites, minimal knowledge of radar and other related systems I will wait and see what they come up with. Interesting what will be forwarded for oceanic non radar coverage areas.
Dee Lowry 1
Claudia, the manufacturers do have that technology. But when you purchase the airplane, the device is not standard. Like buying a's an option. Most Airlines don't want the added cost, therefore the technology is not installed. 99.999% of the life of the airplane, that device will not be used. As far s MH 370...Does anyone know if there was an "OMC" riding the jumpseat in the cockpit? I have a gut feeling that the Flight Crew weren't the only two up front.

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AWAAlum 1
If the plane was, indeed, blown out of the sky as you mention, and then sank to the ocean's depths, would it still be in the shape of the plane's fuselage, or would it be kind of mangled and torn apart?
matt jensen 1
cia isn't going to admit to anything
Ningun tipo de rastro de los tantos que puedenen existir , restos liquidos grasosos .kerosina , hidraulico , grasas ,aceite de las turbinas y otros ,un papel ,un zapato , algun objeto de corcho o las sillas que se hacen para que floten , fotografias o carteras , los mismos salvavidas y muchas cosas mas.
aterrizo en una pista clandestina ? , previamente preparada para esto ? , por algun motivo secreto y esta guardada bajo tierra ? , los moviles que segun tengo entendido funcionaron al dia despues ?.
Muy extraño caso
AWAAlum 0
Lamentablemente, no sabemos(no conocemos) los acontecimientos actuales, y tendremos que esperar la investigación a darnos las respuestas.
AWAAlum 0
Tiene razón. Han hablado de todas estas teorías aquí.

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AWAAlum 1
I'm sorry, and nothing personal meant here, but I'm laughing over the amaaaaazing number of theories people are coming up with...out of thin air. The imaginations are staggering.

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preacher1 0
What gets me is that there were 2 subs in that search area, a US and a British one. Nothing else has been said about them since day 1. I am of the opinion that somebody somewhere, knows something that ain't being told.
preacher1 0
Just a rehash of what has been told so far to satisfy ICAO requirements. Nothing new


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