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RCMP selling their Piaggio Avanti P180 in online auction

$8 million Piaggio Avanti P180 C-GFOX bought for RCMP is for sale on Canadian government auction website. Starting bid $2.5 million. Link to website in CBC news item. ( Más...

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biz jets 2
Not a starting bid - a sealed bid - it's worth around 2 million.

This was the VIP Avanti of the RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli that was forced to resign when he got caught playing with the RCMP pension fund for personal gain, of nepotism with the fund, and insurance fraud.

Naturally being the tip cop in Canada - he was allowed to resign, with full pension and cash payout - and given a senior job with Interpol - and now lives in France.

Aircraft is for sale with the log book - be an interesting read.

Photo; C-GFOX RCMP Piaggio Avanti;

biz jets 1
My apologies, I stand corrected!!, just read the actual listing;

Clearly states minimum bid 2.5 million - though can't see anyone bidding more than it's worth from a Govt agency!!!

Here is a newer plane msn 1080, with less hours, asking 2.3;

and nobody is going to pay ssking, let alone a sealed bid to a govt agency - I say 2 mil!!
Peter Sinfield 1
2.3 US. Is about 2.5 CAN.


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