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Inmarsat to Offer Airlines Free Tracking Service

Satellite communications company Inmarsat PLC plans to offer basic tracking services free of charge to airlines, its chairman said, in the strongest sign yet of the aerospace industry's intentions to enhance monitoring abilities for commercial jets after the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. ( Más...

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Philip McCleary 1
Why seen us a link to a page that requires payment to read a story. This story had the ability to bring bring great goodwill to a company that is doing something great. All it did is make me mad that I wasted my time reading a demand for payment.
Victor Engel 1
Just follow the link posted by PhotoFinish.
nofossil70 1
Make sure CB is in remote location. I think ML 370 CVR will be blank
PhotoFinish 4
Alternate article: (there aren't many options yet, until the news wires pick up the story and feed the story to other outlets)

Roger Hallett 3
Thanks for the link.
Victor Engel 3
"several hundred square miles"? Shouldn't that be several 100s of thousands of square miles? Looks like they confused diameter and area.


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